
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

This guys a fucking dickweed


5 million downloads and rising. This is a subculture phenomenon. "Supposedly" it reflects pressures on society in hong kong and people actually relating. I think that's trying to put too much reason and giving too much credit to this asshole. I say it's just an old POS that is asking to be punched in the face. Conversely, I'm amazed how composed the kid is in comparison being short of many years of wisdom to this old fool, plus he was probably shocked and taken back at the reaction a tap on the shoulder and telling someone to pipe down. Do you think the guy would mess with someone bigger than he?

Between the point when the guy said shake hands then I fuck your mom, I'd fucking deck him and I think the kid would win in court having that video as evidence. Wow.. I'm surprised no one intervened either.

This is a huge social dilemma just because there's so many taboos to be broken here. First, the guy is looking for a fight. Second, he was just peppering insults. I'd take a metallic object and whack him and call it self defense, when he turned around to answer the phone.

I don't know. Would I be in the wrong then? Would the victim become the aggressor. That's often the question. I heard before that a house-thief was on someones roof. The roof caved in and he successfully sued the owner for personal injury liability on account that that roof wasn't in par with up to date roof safety. CRAZY.