
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

OK Rudy, I think I solved the clues in time, so hopefully the blood isn't on my hands.

I have. So. Many. Miniatures to paint. My God, how did I come to this state?

But I'm vowing, I'm getting these shits painted. First my Cygnar chumps. Then the polish on the Skorne elephant. Then finishing my half-done Cryx chumps. Then my Hordes "Oi! Dat's Me Leg" troll gang. Then we'll see. Tonight I finished off the little gobber squirt so that's one check on the list. Yeah, his eyes look kinda like Kermit the Frog but so what. Next up Stormsmiths, the Defender, and Nemo. The thing that really holds me back is that I suxx0r so much at painting humanoid-sized figures.

Also it is disheartening so have guys that are primed but unpainted for weeks or months. I now believe it's way better to just leave them pewter if you won't get to them for a while and that's my new watchword. No priming until I'm ready to paint them.

Enron I say we get our 750-point squads painted by the end of June. We need goals, man.