
Saturday, June 10, 2006

Prius, Shmeeus

Well, we are TRYING to offload the Infiniti and pick up a Prius. We are basically trying to get an equvalent payment per month that we have with the FX, and if we can't, we need to re-group and see what alternatives there are. The thing is, the Prius is basically just a tricked out economy car... a comparatively really expensive tricked out economy car, and we just can't see giving up what we have with the FX, which is sort of a low-end luxury-ish car, to pay more for a Prius. Our payments are outstanding with the FX 'cause we traded in Leslie's Jetta at the time, and if we can't match those payments, then like everyone else in the world, we have to put Mother Nature second, and our family and our payments first.

I agree, it is a cool ass funny looking car. Kinda like the FX. And Enron, I guess the mileage is "pretty good", if 51/60 is "pretty good"! And yes, I know that the printed is not what you actually get, but c'mon, 51/60?!?!?!

Not to mention, I actually fit in the car, which is weird, and Leslie can fit comfortably BEHIND me while I drive, which is saying something.

So, it will be cool if it happens, but the more we wait, the more I doubt.