
Monday, June 05, 2006

i actually played planescape: torement recently, but the setting bummed me out too much to really dive into it. Wish I would have tried it when it was newer-ish. Might have gave it more of a shot.

Here was some fun from Eve. My corp's alliance was "war decced" by the biggest merc alliance in the game last weekend (we're one of the biggest industrial alliances, so hmm, wonder who hired "Mercernary Coalition" on us!), and here's a shot of our gang on one of the jump gates into our system. I actually missed the big fight when it happened, but by the time it went down it was about 100 ships to a side. All the little purple icons are ppl in my gang. Good times. Pretty much the war is 24 hours a day, so I usually jump on for a little here and there to do some defense - sometimes nothing, sometimes it gets nuts. my life is crap.