
Saturday, April 17, 2004

see u then -

i will be there on sunday 4 sure! i need erlicks address again - i sorta know where its at, but im forgetfull. also, that link didnt work jawn, so maybe erick can email the file to me. please dont punch my stomach thanks!

Hey there jerky boy.

Pump: I thought we might read about you in the papers or something. Like the obituary column. Anyway, no worries. This weekend is not the best weekend to try and BB it. I think we will have to wait until monday night. Today and tomarrow I will be watching a bunch of indie movies at the San Francisco International Film Festival. How about we set it for 9pm monday eve? Sound good. Give me a confirmation if you can or can not. You know working low end retail can really suck. Aimey has some real gems of stories while working at Mervyn's. People can just plain suck sometimes. When do you start the new job?

Elrock: How about Ku-Ta-Lu games? My brain seems to have come to a halt on names. Maybe some more will brew up later.


Oh yeah, Kate Beckinsale... I believe this will make it restraining order number 5?

The movie was like a candy bar, good enough snack. Writing uninspiring (cartoony in some places), few decent action scenes. The thing it had going for it was good stylistic visuals. I liked the look of the costumes and settings (I'm shallow like that... wait, it's the art school snob in me).

Oh yeah, did I mention Kate Beckinsale. I love a woman in black leathers and trenchcoat...
Jiminey Cricket!!!

Miss checking the blogs and the whole world changes!
Eric! The taint of Cthulhu was finally too strong. He compels you to open a store to infect a new generation of broodlings.....
Sir I salute you. Makes me all weepy and emotion like...

And to think I've missed out on the naming rounds. I've only thought about it for as long as it took to read all the previous blogs, but here is one:
The Entropy Bazaar, yeah I stole a previous idea, it's 3 am. I'll try to think up of better ones.

My apologies for my absence. I have been in a dual state of zombification and shaking white rage these past weeks. Before I read the blogs, I was going to rant about my complete and utter hatred of a retail job. With these new developments, I should narrow the scope of my hatred.

Working at a Mail Boxes Hexetera has given me the unenviable opportunity to "serve" a cross section of the general population. And let me tell you it ain't pretty. My seething hatred for humanity was stoked like the very fires of hell during my tenure.

But take heart Eric, I think the type of store will greatly determine the nature of the customers. I can guarantee you, you won't get a drunken refinery worker threatening to drive his truck into the store because his next day letter didn't arrive in South Carolina on time.

And Blood Bowl. So sorry Enron. Let me know when you're free.

Mike, cheers and good luck on your "homework"

Rudy, see you Sunday and expect a traditional "welcome to the game" critical shot into the stomach. Ask Aaron about it.

Another store name "The Flying Polyp"
Rude--check your email. I sent you the link to the player's guide for 50 Fathoms. Not -sure- if the link will still work, though.

Friday, April 16, 2004

Hey Rude... sure, if you want to come by you can join the crew.

I'll go over to Eric's around noon... come by then and we can do pirate creation. Usually the other three come in from 12:30-1:58 and we get started around 2:00 or so....

The next book in Neal Stephenson's baroque cycle just came out. I'm contemplating whether to pick it up now at Costco since it's cheap, or wait since I haven't got through Quicksilver yet....

Actually I'm reading a good book right now, Game of Thrones. Huge book, first in a series. It's about a large kingdom with all this simmering political tension (obviously, things are going to break out into war at some point). The main things I like about it are:

1. It's got lots of memorable characters.
2. Although there are characters that are clearly dickheads, the lines between good and bad aren't as easy to define as usual because:
2a. Most of the characters are members of various ruling families, who are all intermarried with each other, thus many characters have multiple and conflicting loyalties;
2b. Rather than sticking with one narrative viewpoint, the chapters switch between various characters, all of whom are at least somewhat sympathetic, many of whom are directly opposed to each other.
3. So far, the author has done a really good job of conveying a place where, although right now things are just a little tense, when shit blows up, it is going to blow up good.

There's a strategy boardgame based on the series which is supposed to be pretty great... if I keep enjoying the books, maybe I'll pick it up.
can i make a guy and play the pirate adventrues to?

i wont name him spack jarrow let me know thanks

Thursday, April 15, 2004

I disagree. The name of the store should be, "Ah ha ha. Yes, captain. Ah ha, ah ha, ah ha ha, ah HA HA HA, ah HA HA HA HA HAAA, HHHhhhhuuhhhh hhhhuhhh HA hhhuhhh hhhhhuhhh, hhhhhuhhh, HA, HA, yes, captain, ah HAAA HAA HAA HAAA, yes, HAAAAAAAA, captain. Games."

OK, enough names! Eric, you up for piracy on Sunday?
More naming goodness

Maybe, in an effort to concatinate two old lingo phrases together, we should name the store Tute de Prosty's. Just a though. Oh yeah, and all secret password to get in should still be Fannnnnn-Tastic!

Or not

Wednesday, April 14, 2004


I also like "Go Paul Games" (kind of snappy) and "Action Team! Games." (You could have an anime-esque logo.)

I guess that Gary Gygax had a minor stroke. There's a letter about it from him here. I also learned that he's a Jehovah's Witness.

Best follow-up comment: "At least he made his save vs. death."

no one can beat this one in the sillyness category

"Better than sex, games"

it also serves as a good sentence grammatically with the correct modifiers as jon will attest to.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Eh Juice-a-lini

Not all the names have 'games' in them... Anyway, Action Team Games is cool. Of course you will never wrestle www.theactionteam.com (Expires 2008) or www.actionteam.com (Expires 2010) from either of those two lame asses.

More Silly Names:

This one is great with the parents: Realms of Degeneracy. Jake's House of Whales. Joe's Chili Dog Service and Games. Mikenloft Games. Mr. Hass's Games, you would have to act like the Soup Nazi of games, kinda like 'British Man', only German. The Leather Chest Emporium. The Iron Codpiece.

More Serious Names:

The DMZ. Entropy Games. Frontline Games. The Dragon's Hoard.

Im tired
actually i think "S kellington game emporium" sounds nifty and gives it a huge mecca feel!

you'd have to build it big like costco... er say 5000sq ft??? hehe, do it!. Also why does the names all have to incorporate the word games in it? I guess technically its for recognition like "games of westwood" "berkeley games" ech... eww...

more funny names for the pot:
"Dragon Depot", "Nosferatu N Us", "Crack Pipe games" "doo how you get so many games games" "6 inches" "Dices"(rhymes with fryses) "Pirates in the Sea-cove"

P.S level up games is purty cool.

Jon: Remember you had space marines??? and then I went out and bought a set and then rudy bought one too? can't get away from GW dude...

Level Up Games

...is in the lead right now. It's catchy, and it sounds kinda kewl to boot. I also like Left Coast Games. Supar Kraken Games is funny and caught me off guard. Game Face and Random Encounters are also good.

Action Team Games?

S. Kellingtons Game Emporium is something that would never fly, but I like the idea of using something from our common gaming history as the title, a-la Wizards of the Coast (which was named after a faction in Richard Garfield D&D game, I believe).
Some stuff you NEED!

Well, the only essintial that i could think of for the store would be Mazes and Monsters. It's easy to get now (like at best buy, etc) and its always a super cheap costing movie. It says TOM HANKS! really big on it and it has a picture of him from like BIG or Bosum Buddies on the front, but its that same classic. That needs to be in the store!

Also, at cons, you can have a booth now! That'd be sick. We can sell all our old games thru your booth. That always seems like a way to find out about a local gaming store.

I like that 70/30 nerd/family split enron talked about. You gotta have a wall-o-weegee boards!
"Harelip Games." "Hemo's Action Shoppe." "S. Kellington's Game Emporium."

My favorite so far is "Level Up Games"... kind of cheesy, in a way I like.

Quick change of subject: I'm thinking about picking up the new Splinter Cell for Xbox, have any of you checked it out? The main thing is the multiplayer sounds awesome... it's 2-4 players, spies sneaking around stealing shit vs. mercenaries trying to penetrate them with bullets, but supposedly balanced so that you don't need equal teams. I think you need to use system links rather than playing on one screen.

That sux0rs that GW is like that. Have you talked to Chris about what his profits are like from GW stuff? When I was in high school, even non-miniatures me bought some Space Marines n' shit.
GW = George W.

Man they really put the screws to you dont they. I guess it figures. They basically make the consumers take it in the arse, why not make the retails and distributers take it too. Question, if you go through a distributor, do they still lord their rules over you, or is only direct sales affected as such? I guess it wouldnt be the worst thing to start without GW, but that could effect the first impression which I think is pretty big for a game store. Game stores seem to get so much business through word of mouth.

In other areas of discussion, the game shop I was refering to here has about 1K sq. ft. and they do not have comix and action figures and other detractors from the game genre. What they do carry is more family games, though not as much of a percentage as Game Keeper did. Mostly poker paraphinalia, Go, Chess, puzzles and MB/Hasbro games. All in all their nerd/family mix is probably 70/30. Not the cheapest store around, but the property is expensive here. I am not sure how the target marget mix is though. It could be different in the LA South Bay.

Back to the laundry
Here is the abridged anti-GW reasoning

They run their large company like a large company and screw over their retailers.

1) They penalize retailers that buy from distributors by offering 10 -15% lower discounts over ordering direct through GW.

2) If you order through GW direct they force retailers to buy the entire line, every army, and try to press 3 deep with any SKU#. Lets estimate here: Per army 10 different blister packs ranging from $8.95 to $18.95, 1-3 large boxes for vehicles roughly $35.00 a shot, and an army book or two @ $20.00 a pop. Multiply this by roughly 10 armies. Multiply that by 2 to cover both Warhammer and 40K ranges. Multiply that times 3 to keep the depth of stock they require. Ouch. I have heard it's in the range of $10K NET to buy into the GW ranges.

3) So, lets say you buy into the ranges, great. GW changes the ranges one at a time and re-designs the miniatures and rulebooks every 3-4 months or so, so if you have any of the old stock, it is useless for the new rules, and they won't buy back the stock you are stuck with. And you have to then buy the new range to stay current.

4) GW sets their own prices, so if they decide to lower their price on a product, the retailer has to lower their price as well. So you buy something for $65 to sell @ $100, you can make $35 on the sale. If GW decides to lower the price on the product $20, you can then make $15 on the deal. If it sells before they redo that army and you are stuck with the dead product...

5) They lie. They told retailers there would be no 4th edition 40K and then pushed the current product and offered large quantity discounts for buying product. A few months later they announced the 4th edition, which of course will require new army books, new packaging, new models.....

6) They send reps to stores to okay your GW display and don't allow competing games (Warmachine, Confrontation, etc) to share the same WALL as the GW product.

There is more, and I'm not necessarily trying to be totally GW free, but until I understand the local market, I don't think I want to jump into GW stuff and have to manage that as well as learning a new store.

I REALLY like some of the names you guys have come up with!
Put the rock in Elrock

Elric that is pretty rockin that you are going to pull the trigger on it. I have been thinking about it quite a bit and here are my thoughts. GW- Free? I'd like to hear why you think you should. I think GW is a necessary evil. Yeah we dont play the games anymore, but they are wildly popular and a cash cow since so many will buy again and again. Besides when we were in HS, we probably would have rarely gone to Paul's had it not been stocked with GW. As it was we still made the 'Pilgrimage' to GW in Santa Monica. What you need to do as a store owner is try and steer the kids to other games gently. Show them new games with exhibition events. For a lot of kids GW is a good start, it isnt too serious, but it is the first miniture game that is pretty easy to learn and very exciting. From there they will refine their tastes as long as someone is there to show them new systems. Speaking of... What type of game mix + other goods are you looking at. Board games, RPG, Minitatures games, Card games, Comix, Action figures. Did you get info from Chris about how much money he makes from the various parts of the business. It seems that it was decided to go to Comix and Action figures out of necessity for keeping the business liquid.

Silly Store Names

Paul Freiler's Hesstorical Models. Chad's Ring. Dicenuts Games. Strategic Simulations. Supar Kraken Games. Old Kentucky Shark Games. Go Paul Games.

Serious Store Names

Left Coast Games. The Goblin's Den. The Dragon's Lair. Ferral Games. The Hive Mind. Tactical Realms. Pandora's Box or Pandora Games. The Mind Flayer. The Gauntlet. Chaucer Games. Lycanthropic Games.

You know I would like to use something Cthulhu-esque, but I dont know what is trademarked and what is not. The Website only lays claim to "Call of Cthulhu, Chaosium, and Miskatonic University" being registered trademarks. Probably wouldn't be prudent to name it after any of the gods/creatures. Bummer...

Also there is a game store up here that you may want to peek at. It is of a similar size to what you are planning on down there. It seems to have a good mix. I am not sure how long it has been around. At least two years.


PS I almost absent mindedly drank out of the salt shaker on my desk this morning.
Well good luck with the brick-n-mortar man

I'm sure you have this, but here's a list of all the manufacturer's and some distys.

I'm not sure as to what makes a gamestore thrive, GAMA has some preliminaries, but gamestores like brookhurst must have a unique flagship product that only they can sell which makes them money.

You may even want to consider making a proprietary game label.

I'll do a little more research, as this is all speculative. I'd be curious to see the hard game numbers as it would be interesting to see how much a gamestore makes.

Monday, April 12, 2004

game store names:

Dice World

Game Punk (like that store Golf Punk, except i hate golf, fuck golf, and fuck bob hope)

Pennywise Games (had to throw that in for old times sake)

Hesstorical Models

Game Face

Snake Eyes Games (u could tie it into gi joe or something)

Random Encounters (although it might sound like a dating service)

Level Up Games (kids these days are SO rpg-literate from all the crazy console rpgz they play, u could go with any of these)

Dude, i'm sure we're all down to help in ANY ways u may need - this is gonna be rad - good luck with it all dude.
what r u gonna sell?
Someone has to suggest it...

"Mussolini Games"?

Congratulations, Eric, that's great! I'd noticed the rumblings about opening a store but never thought you were as far along as you were.

That's awesome!

I'm interested to hear about why you're considering keeping it GW-free.
Eric > That guy "Radio" and "My Left Foot" guy combined!

Wow dude! That's fucking awesome! Congratulations on giving this a go! It can happen dude. STICK WITH IT! If its going to work youre gonna have to hustle your ass off for years im sure, but its doable. Freakin rad dude! Tell us all the details (or maybe i can come over when you guys game and get the info then.) Dude! Fuckin insane!
Call Me Crazy

...but I just quit my job to pursue my lifelong passion and dream of opening a games store. No shit. Leslie and I have been talking for weeks now, and both believe we can make it work. We have a 1000sq/ft space scouted and priced (though no negotions on price yet), much of the paperwork figured out, contacts with 4 different distributors, hard numbers from 2 games stores, soft numbers and solid contacts from 2 others, an incomplete business plan, and GAMA membership taken care of. I can't keep moonlighting on this and try to make it work while still holding a 9 to 5, SO, tomorrow will be my two weeks, and then I jump in head first to opening a retail-hell establishment!

Wish me luck and support, and please, NO NAY-SAYING!!!!! I will appreciate all offers for assistance, support, aid, ideas and what not, but DO NOT tell me it can't be done! Look for ways to make it happen rather than ways for it to fail!

Discounts of .003% for all my friends!

What should I call it?

I am thinking of making it Games Workshop-free, I can get into the details of it if you really care why.
Bush is a Shithead

You know, for the first time since 1994 I am going to vote this year. Yeah I know I am an ass for not voting during the past decade. I guess what really got me going is a book I just finished up. "The Eagle's Shadow. Why America Fascinates and Infuriates the World". A very good book that takes a critical look at how foreigners see us both as America and as Americans. Most of it really isnt much of a surprise, but some of it is. He has some really good points about why things are the way they are. He looks at fault in Gov't, the Press, and Corporations. I recommend it to all you boys. I guess the book has done quite well overseas while it is mostly ignored here in the states. Go figure.

Myke: Good to hear from you. Good luck with finishing your research/paper. Sounds like fun, fun, fun.

SERIOUSLY! How do I get a hold of Dennis? He never is online or blogs. BB is at a stand still...

Hey Myke, NWN is a lot of fun to some, not as much fun for others. I played around with it a good bit but ultimately found more entertaining things to do. They did a good job of heaping in lots of 3rd ed features and functionality, but the plot in the main game was not very engaging.

When games are complex, I like good plots. (Eg, Planescape: Torment, aka "Most Text In A Game Evar.") When games are brainless (eg, Diablo) I don't care about the plot much one way or the other. If I need to put serious brainpower into a game, then I need to be drawn in. NWN was just at the complexity level where it needed a good plot. It didn't have one. So, I quit.

I was intrigued by the idea of DMing it online, but after a lot of fooling around I concluded it was a lot easier to use IRC or something like Open RPG.

Happy belated Eastar!

Ryan! Are you still interested in divesting yourself of your old iPod, or have you found another home for it?

Sunday, April 11, 2004

We Didn't Play Games Today

And we wouldn't invite you to play with us anyway, so don't even ask. There you have it. Happy Zombie Jesus Day everyone (except for Rudy)!

PS If you WANT to start roleplaying again, just hollar, and we can get you a character in the current campaign that plays every 3rd or 4th week or so! It be piratey!
Happy Easter 2 Me

My folks are off in Puerto Rico for the week, so I had a thrilling Easter sunday by myself. Happy Easter to ME!!! Heh. Happy easter to all the gang too!

Hey mike, good to hear from you! Best of luck with that thesis man. You're gonna be Doctor Mike soon! That's fucking awesome. Hang in there for soon you'll be back home here playing games with all of us (well, I'm never invited to go gaming, but u can play with them.) :(

Ok - see yall soon.

So... when are you going to finish?

Arrrgh! Sorry I've been incognito guys! I've been reading your blogs for ages and really have enjoyed the Bloodbowl replays etc. Haven't meant to be such a stalker, but man, there are just no words to describe the fear, dread, loathing, and MOTIVATION that has come upon me to finish this damn PhD thesis! I've just taken over 100 pages of notes ready for the next couple of chapters... then, it will nearly be finished and I can remember that the world has green trees and pretty flowers, not to mention conventions and games. I feel like Gollum, driven from the world of men to a dark place with only a computer and lots of raw fish.

So, did any of you try Neverwinter Nights? I know it got bad reviews, but my DND buddy here, Andrew, has been raving about it (I can't run it on my computer...) Seems pretty kewl.

Ok, I'm off to a conference tomorrow, so bedtime for me.

M. Ickingtonbury III