
Sunday, April 11, 2004

So... when are you going to finish?

Arrrgh! Sorry I've been incognito guys! I've been reading your blogs for ages and really have enjoyed the Bloodbowl replays etc. Haven't meant to be such a stalker, but man, there are just no words to describe the fear, dread, loathing, and MOTIVATION that has come upon me to finish this damn PhD thesis! I've just taken over 100 pages of notes ready for the next couple of chapters... then, it will nearly be finished and I can remember that the world has green trees and pretty flowers, not to mention conventions and games. I feel like Gollum, driven from the world of men to a dark place with only a computer and lots of raw fish.

So, did any of you try Neverwinter Nights? I know it got bad reviews, but my DND buddy here, Andrew, has been raving about it (I can't run it on my computer...) Seems pretty kewl.

Ok, I'm off to a conference tomorrow, so bedtime for me.

M. Ickingtonbury III