
Monday, April 12, 2004

Bush is a Shithead

You know, for the first time since 1994 I am going to vote this year. Yeah I know I am an ass for not voting during the past decade. I guess what really got me going is a book I just finished up. "The Eagle's Shadow. Why America Fascinates and Infuriates the World". A very good book that takes a critical look at how foreigners see us both as America and as Americans. Most of it really isnt much of a surprise, but some of it is. He has some really good points about why things are the way they are. He looks at fault in Gov't, the Press, and Corporations. I recommend it to all you boys. I guess the book has done quite well overseas while it is mostly ignored here in the states. Go figure.

Myke: Good to hear from you. Good luck with finishing your research/paper. Sounds like fun, fun, fun.

SERIOUSLY! How do I get a hold of Dennis? He never is online or blogs. BB is at a stand still...
