
Monday, April 12, 2004

Call Me Crazy

...but I just quit my job to pursue my lifelong passion and dream of opening a games store. No shit. Leslie and I have been talking for weeks now, and both believe we can make it work. We have a 1000sq/ft space scouted and priced (though no negotions on price yet), much of the paperwork figured out, contacts with 4 different distributors, hard numbers from 2 games stores, soft numbers and solid contacts from 2 others, an incomplete business plan, and GAMA membership taken care of. I can't keep moonlighting on this and try to make it work while still holding a 9 to 5, SO, tomorrow will be my two weeks, and then I jump in head first to opening a retail-hell establishment!

Wish me luck and support, and please, NO NAY-SAYING!!!!! I will appreciate all offers for assistance, support, aid, ideas and what not, but DO NOT tell me it can't be done! Look for ways to make it happen rather than ways for it to fail!

Discounts of .003% for all my friends!

What should I call it?

I am thinking of making it Games Workshop-free, I can get into the details of it if you really care why.