
Saturday, April 17, 2004

Jiminey Cricket!!!

Miss checking the blogs and the whole world changes!
Eric! The taint of Cthulhu was finally too strong. He compels you to open a store to infect a new generation of broodlings.....
Sir I salute you. Makes me all weepy and emotion like...

And to think I've missed out on the naming rounds. I've only thought about it for as long as it took to read all the previous blogs, but here is one:
The Entropy Bazaar, yeah I stole a previous idea, it's 3 am. I'll try to think up of better ones.

My apologies for my absence. I have been in a dual state of zombification and shaking white rage these past weeks. Before I read the blogs, I was going to rant about my complete and utter hatred of a retail job. With these new developments, I should narrow the scope of my hatred.

Working at a Mail Boxes Hexetera has given me the unenviable opportunity to "serve" a cross section of the general population. And let me tell you it ain't pretty. My seething hatred for humanity was stoked like the very fires of hell during my tenure.

But take heart Eric, I think the type of store will greatly determine the nature of the customers. I can guarantee you, you won't get a drunken refinery worker threatening to drive his truck into the store because his next day letter didn't arrive in South Carolina on time.

And Blood Bowl. So sorry Enron. Let me know when you're free.

Mike, cheers and good luck on your "homework"

Rudy, see you Sunday and expect a traditional "welcome to the game" critical shot into the stomach. Ask Aaron about it.

Another store name "The Flying Polyp"