
Friday, April 13, 2007

this is real honest to god store in Ventura. Wow is about all I can say about this photo.

Holy wow.. so funny but not entirely safe for work, no.

Pantera: Fucking Hostile (reinterpreted)
* Death due to accidental inhalation of DHMO, even in small quantities.
* Prolonged exposure to solid DHMO causes severe tissue damage.
* Excessive ingestion produces a number of unpleasant though not typically life-threatening side-effects.
* DHMO is a major component of acid rain.
* Gaseous DHMO can cause severe burns.
* Contributes to soil erosion.
* Leads to corrosion and oxidation of many metals.
* Contamination of electrical systems often causes short-circuits.
* Exposure decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes.
* Found in biopsies of pre-cancerous tumors and lesions.
* Given to vicious dogs involved in recent deadly attacks.
* Often associated with killer cyclones in the U.S. Midwest and elsewhere, and in hurricanes including deadly storms in Florida, New Orleans and other areas of the southeastern U.S.
* Thermal variations in DHMO are a suspected contributor to the El Nino weather effect.
Dude of course I know its water!!! I KNOW DUDE FUCK!!! HhahahAHAHAHAAH FUNNY WATER! I totally fucking knew that !!! WHO DOESNT KNOW IS FAGGOT! hahahhaha... err... hehehehe... *deep breaths* /cry
The joke is that it is another way of saying 'water'. H20 = Dy (2) Hydrogen (hydrogen) Mon (one) oxide (oxygen). So, all the bad things, technically are true.
so is that site fake!? i'm kinda dense, but i read a lot of it. pretty funny if they pulled a fast one on people like that. love the pictures on there - one of like a skull and needle hahaha. good shit.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Dunno if you guys ever catch this website when it came out a few years back? It spawned several school crisis meetings and knee-jerk responses around the country. So, so good. LOL.

Dyhydrogen Monoxide, the silent killer!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yes homo. You guys are gay-ass homophobes. I remember I went to a The Queers show somewhere up north when I went to Santa Cruz and I bought a Queers hoody and that shit was SO small and tight on me. Hahahaha - I think my mom ended up wearing it around the house without ever really reading what was on it (something like "THE QUEERS USA BAND".)

Anyways, the PERFECT situation would be two rooms CONNECTED or at least RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. That'd be pretty rad. But whatever. I really don't care/mind all us assholes together in one room. The cheaper the better. If we pay more I want to be at least right next to the other room. But seein as the so-cal caravan will prolly check in later than enron and his shrimp-gobblers (cant remember the Breakin' name - sounds close) we prolly WONT be all close n cuddly, yes oh yes super si wee yes homo.

PRIUS! I really don't want to game on the ride up! So cheaper/slower/stinkier car is my vote.
On all counts I'm easy like a $5 hooker. No homo.
Laundry List

1. Got me chump. I will probably not be involved in this decision so I will reserve my opinion.

2. To be honest, the cost of the room no longer really seems to be an issue since I am not dirt poor anymore. On the other hand, I am of the "10 minutes at 400° or maybe... 1 minute at 4000°!" school of thought. The more people in one room the more gaming and high jinx! Bonus for 'room checks' by fellow Actionteamers. Besides it allows me to be 15 again, if not for a weekend. I'm not picky, I will sleep on bricks, chicks or dicks.

3. More 4000° mantra. The extra Sunday afternoon/eve/night makes for really a good bit of extra gaming. JohnnyKab, j0rn and I have made good use of the Sunday action at KublaKhan in the past. Bolting early Monday is great and all, but not too early or the Sunday night gets cut short.

4. I vote for some RPG and/or WarhammerQuest brouhaha. Maybe even get to third level in WHQuest! jr0n and I actually started painting his set. Good damn little game. Also how much cheap printing and laminating are we talking about? Depending on the amount I may be able to get some done on the down low.

RudeDog: Me GF has been finding the occasional grey and plucking them from my scalp when I am not paying attention. Uggg...

The Khan of Khans!

So, if Ruday, Denis and I are all going, there are a few details we need to work on (a month and a half in advance):

1) Which car? Votes? Mobile Gaming Unit One = mo' gas, mo' space, mo' comfort, no CDs and iPod with tape adaptor, sweet tape deck with AWSOME old Generic Eric mixes, gaming space IN the vehicle itself. The Al Goremobile: less gas, less space, CD and iPod hook-ups, prolly smellier, perhaps gayer.

2) one or two rooms? Out of distrust and assumption that the rest of the Action Team would drop the ball, I got a room reserved too, and after chattin with Jon aboot it, thought about keeping the second room if we have a bazillion peeps. Eric, Denis, Ruday, Enron, Jon, Dave, Dave friend, Mike(?) = 8 in one room? I can sleep anywhere, and at the drop of a hat now, so it doesn't really matter to me, but thoughts? 3 nights will be aboot $350ish, double that for 2 rooms. Really, if you do the math, it aint so bad.

3) Contemplating staying 3 nights (though have not discussed with the mrs. yet). The good: More gamin! The Bad: More time for Leslie to parent Wylie solo, and I will miss my kid a lot by the time the con is done! Also, potential hellish holiday traffic driving back down unless we leave really early monday morning (which I would not be opposed to).

4) Any large Action Team event we want to try and pull off? I mean, an RPG in one long session, a Warhammer Quest game for 24hours, marathon Combat Commander game? Ideas? I wanna print this out and play it, it is supposed to be pretty fun and simple. Anyone got hookups for cheap color plinting and cardstock... and lamination?
As long as Elrick don't start telling us how great the BARE NAKED LADIES or some other "fat-rock" band is, then I'll forgive the wierd Wierd Al excusion. I dunno, I also liked him as a kid, then at some point was like "wow, this is kinda uncool daddy-o's" so cut him outta my life.

Hey Art, goodluck with all the stuff you and your fam are going thru!!! My biggest concern was I found my first grey chest-hair. I was like "nooooooooo!" Anyways, good luck. I'm not really religious, but atheist "prayers" to you and family.

I do believe I will be able to attend the khan.

Can't make any promises about bringing painted minis. Oh how the miniature gods weep. But there is just so much internet porn to get through you can't really blame me.

Jon - Infinity you say? Hmmmmm... Are you interested in any particular army? I have the rulebook (only skimmed its contents though). I'll bring it along and we'll try a game or two. If I can get my ass moving, we might even have minis to use. Don't be surprised if it ends up with lint and wads of tissue paper as figures though.

Here's their site with in case you haven't seen it. Has PDF of the rules in the download section too.
linky link

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Weird Al

It seems like this guy has been around for as long as I have been interested in music, and actually he has. Some of his earlier stuff that I would listen to with JP has stuck with me through the ages; songs like Another One Rides the Bus and Like a Surgeon are classics, to be sure.

Then came the "I'm probably too cool for Weird Al phase" when I sort of missed the boat on a lot of the stuff he was putting out, like Fat.

His fine UHF movie produced such classic lines as, "I'm thinkin' of somethin' orange... it's an ORANGE!" and "You get the FIRE HOSE!".

Now, apparently he has been making polka amalgamations of pop songs and they are teh awesomez! They are really funny, and dare I say catchy, and it kinda goes to show that Weird "Don't call me wierd" Al is quite a musical talent, and I should pay more attention to him. Not to mention he did a song called "All About the Pentiums" (spoof of All About the Benjamins) and most recently "White and Nerdy" (spoof of Ridin').

Treat yourselves to a half-hour of smiles, and enjoy these, and at the very LEAST, listen/watch White and Nerdy:

Angry White Boy Polka
Polka Power
Hooked On Polkas
Polkas On 45
Polka Party

And this is just funny, albeit creepy.
Hope everything is cool Art, sorry to hear about that.

Re: Breakin', I actually saw that shit in the movie theater. I was nine. I was like a really huge fan of breakdancing, for some reason, and I even took a breakdancing class at the Jocelyn Center. Given my general coordination level as a lad, I was probably about as horrible as you can imagine. I truly pity my mother for having to grit her teeth ad sit through those "performances." Anyway, my love of the genre extended to the point that I had the tape of the soundtrack, which I listened to constantly out of my "ghetto blaster." I actually found that tape when I was moving all my crap out of my parents' house about four years ago! I think I gave it to my sister.

I didn't actually remember ANYTHING about the movie or plot though. Checking IMDB I saw these listings:

Rodolfo Quinones ... Ozone (as Shabba-Doo)
Michael Chambers ... Turbo (as Boogaloo Shrimp)

"Shabba-Doo" and "Boogaloo Shrimp" are probably two of the coolest names of all time. I can definitely see why you'd switch to those if your real name was something as uncool as Ozone or Turbo.

Monday, April 09, 2007

And HEREs Van Damme in the original clip from Breakin where he made his movie debut! Funny shit. You can totally see him gettin himself all in the picture whenever he can.
I went to see Grindhouse last night too.

Pretty much I am on the same level as you rude. The first movie was really cool and really seemed to capture the spirit of the old 70s exploitation grindhouse flicks. The grungy film, ridiculous stunts, sweet plot line and dialog was great. Unfortunately, Quintin just missed the boat. Linear boring plot. Waaaaaayy too much "changes of plans were going to" Girl Talk. The crunchy cinematography slipped into what looked like clean film within 15 minutes of the film. I mean just a hour of mindless "Real-Life" conversations that seemed to loose itself in slow drama land. Plus Kurt Russel went from hard-ass serial villian to puss in a blink of the eye. Weak. So much for Quintin wanting to bring back the glory of 70s bad-ass Kurt. Gotta say the fake previews were sweet. Especially Rob's Thanksgiving. The ending is priceless.

O: Uggg.. I really hope everything is okay with Michelle. That is some scary shit.

Speaking of Eric's ultimate gamers, this guy has to be a close competitor:

Moobie Revue: GRiNDHouRSE!

So I seen Grindhouse tonight. Started at 8:30 and ended around midnight. Too long. It really is 2 full-lenght movies and the little previews at the start and middle.
1. Fake Previews: Pretty good! Funny stuff. Wouldn't ever want to see full-lenghts of any of them, but they're funny and entertaining and *strong point* short n sweet.
2. Planet Terror: The Robert Rodriguez one. Fucking awesome. Zombie flick, really funny and silly and gorey. PRetty much entertaining from minute one till the end. He just nailed it. The preview for it really doesn't do it any justice. Better than any of his other movies by far, and thats with him making a "bad movie." Wish the whole night would ended there.
*insert more fake previews - pretty good.*
3. Death Proof: The Taurentino one. Pretty not so good. Might have enjoyed it slighty more on dvd being able to watch it separetly from the whole package. He went for a less spoofy approach than Rodriguez. Lots of looooong (really looooong) scenes of girls sitting around spewing "authentic" dialog. Yeah, it definately sounds pretty authentic, but it's still not very interesting. Boring people talking about boring shit. Then some kinda-okay car chase/crash scenes. Those parts were cool, but they're buffered by those god-awful scenes of people talking about nothing. Fail.

So that's my review. I dunno, the first half was so good, it's too bad QT dropped the ball on his part. Also, maybe the overall 3-hour package is too much to take regardless of what the last movie woulda been.

ANYWAYS, there you go a-holes. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

New bloggah template is coo' ... but I thought the old black/white/red comBO was nicely appointed as well.

As for the Khan, I don't think I'm going to be able to make it. Of course, I said the same thing about the GDC and managed to pull that out of my ass at the last minute.. so who knows. But, as far as I can see things, that would be the mother of all ass-pullings.

Down note: Endocrinologist Dr. sent Michelle to an imaging specialist to have her thyroid looked at because it had irregular masses on it. Yay. So, we did that on Saturday and of course, all we were told is that the Endo Dr. will have the results in a couple of days and that we should be hearing back shortly. There's a good chance that it will just be a cyst(s) or benign growth of some sort (so says WebMD). But, there's always that chance of it being something not so good, so that of course becomes the focus and all-consuming mental freak-out, even if it's only a single-digit percentage chance. I've seen one too many 'pinhead wizard' rolls in my day to be comfortable with those kind of odds.

+1 nerd points for working in a gaming reference to my wife's medical problem.





Set Sail for... San Fagot

I talked to Meat and he seems cool with flying.

The room is booked for Friday afternoon through Monday morning. Sweet.

eLzar, I like your sunglass and pony-tail, plus you have a real purty mouth in your avatar, no homo. Still wanna spend a couple days in one room with me? The new blog looks very... Web 2.0. Good change up. The other version was so 1.0

O Rugs: You are more than welcome to attend the fine convention of the Kubla Khan (Memorial Day Weekend). Let me know if you are willing and able. Sweet.

I hate the tax-man. Bastard is robbing me blind this year. Fugger.


Uhhh, my fingers were not aligned properly and caps lock was on. Let's try that again:

Thanks for busting your ass on the website to keep the archives alive Aeryk.

Anyway just wanted to warn people who might have had the site bookmarked before that you may need to go to the site directly through blogger and then change your bookmark. For some reason the old bookmark (something.pbwiki.whatever) doesn't show the new stuff anymore.
Do you like the pretty new Blog (no homo)?

1) I have changed the blog to follow a template because I was trying to figure out how to get the archives to update since the new Blogger took over, and found this was the easiest way. Isn't it pretty?

2) Ryan told me about a new bit of language we can all use. When a dude wants to compliment another dude about something, if you feel the compliment might be crossing the line, you can add a Hold Harmless Clause at the end of your compliment, by saying "no homo". That way, when I see Rudy next, and I like his jacket and thinks he looks cool in it, I can say "Hey man, that's a really cool jacket! You look really good in it, no homo." and I won't worry about him bailing before we get a game of Combat Commander in.

3) Wylie turned one on friday and we had his birthday on saturday. Weird.

4) I forgot to mention this earlier, but one Monday I was at Pollywog Park with the boy and his mom and I needed to pee pee, so I headed off to the can. As I was approaching, I heard laughter in the air. A certain kind of laugher I could not exactly put my finger on, but it was familiar. I tinkled, and as I was zipping up, I heard it again, this time I knew I was near some gamers. I left the can, and saw a group of 4 guys sitting in a gazeebo and knew they were gaming, I just knew it. So I ambled on over to see, and lo and behold they were playing D&D in the gazeebo. Oh, and they were the MOST FUCKING STEREOTYPICAL GAMERS EVER. The Iron Maiden T-shirt, the dandruff, the long, horrible hair, the fumbly speaking patterns, the bags of McD's on the table, the fat bellies, the pasty skin, the sickle skinny, the Target brand jackets; everything about them defines what gives gamers a bad name. Not to mention they were more than happy to tell me about all their characters not 2 second after I said hi.

I asked if they played in the park on mondays, and they said yes. I asked if they played during their lunch breaks, or what, and they said no, they pretty much eat during their lunch breaks. Bewildered, I asked when do they exacly play, and I found out they "pretty much play during the hours of daylight on mondays." Wow. Awesome.

5) Kubla looks like a go go gadget attendance for me, and Rudy too. I am sure Denis is in, and if Dave is gonna fly up, that would be awesome because it means we could take the Prius and save gas. Not to mention if he brings a friend, it would suck to have to drive 'em anyway.
I have that Monday off so I am definitely up for Sunday night gaming.

I THINK that I only work a half-day on that Friday (gotta double-check this) so hopefully I can get straight on the BART and be at the hotel by 3ish. Worst case scenario, I should still get there around hambargar time.

I'd love to play the following:
Battlestations (I got my copy from storage, so I can start reading the rules too)
Combat Commander
Savage Worlds (got a really cool idea for a piratey adventure!)
and of course WM/Hordes
Infinity too if Denis is attending/is interested

My Vow

I haven't painted anything in weeks, but I am gonna get 500 points worth of Trolls painted by the con. Probably crappily, since painting anything that is not a robot seems beyond me. But painted!

Oh, Enron and Myke, my gf is gonna be out of town from the 16th-20th, I propose that we make my apartment a haven for painting during that time, and also of course a haven for sweaty, illicit passions, no homo.
Kubla Khan

I spoke with Sir Meatball this past week and he is in like Flynn. He may have a second person with him. Let me chat with him. Meat and I bought our badges already and are set to go. I guess I need to speak with MotoByke and Jon about Sunday night action since Elzar will probably be leaving early. I vote we (jr0n, Myke, and eNron) stay through to Monday for the eXtra night of fun gamin'. We probably should talk about renting a vehicle for the weekend for transportation as well. One car will not work for Meat, eLzar, jr0n, myKe, Rude-dog, eNron, meat's friend (Maybe), Dennis (maybe) and gear. Unless Myke thinks the Stang will up up to the challenge, although this would severely limit gear.

Meat had also talk about coming up a day early (Thurs night) and I brought up taking off Friday. Thoughts anyone? I think we have a lot of X's we need to tie down. I will ask for that Friday off tomorrow at work. If I don't need to take the time off, I can always rescind my request. He also had looked at flights and was getting pretty good prices.

As far as the room is concerned I will book that today.


4 dudes in a prius goin 600 miles, HELL YEAH! Lemme know if you're mostly in before that pre-reg deadline eric and i'll make it happen! Will have to find some more comedy cd's for the trip - that was some good laughs last trip! Happy egg-laying-bunny's day!
The Stars Point to: YES!

Seemingly, Colleen will be coming to cover my parenting shift while I fritter away my life gaming at Kublacon! I would imagine you guys should get yer room ASAP cause it's only a month away, so DO IT! I envision leaving friday morning (driving) and coming back sunday, me thinks. In the past the drive on sunday has been nice, and has avoided the holiday monday traffic nicely, so that is my play. I assume I will be a taxi service for those wishing to come up as well, but with Rudy, Denis and Dave as all potential cab fares, it poses a bit of a logistical problem.

1) I could take the van, and spend an assload on gas, which would be nicely distributed amongst my passengers. Cheers: Could fit the crew, plus equipment nicely. We could pop the top at a rest stop and take a nap on the way. Also, passengers could use the table for the full mobile gaming experience. Jeers: The guy sitting backward at the gaming table might puke. Costs a lot of gas. Leaves Leslie and Colleen with the Prius to manage the boy over the weekend, which isn't that big a deal, but it can pose problems with strollers, groceries, park stuff, etc.

2) Take the Prius. Cheers: Cheap on gas, but will creep with added gamer mass in the car. Kick ass AC and iPod port.Jeers: With a full compliment of nerds enroute, the car will be loaded with people, and not leave much (any) room for games and other necessities (beer, nudie magazines, marijuana, etc.). Also, gamers in close proximity will be smellier than in the van. Going uphill will be teh sux.


PS Get teh roomz!