
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Weird Al

It seems like this guy has been around for as long as I have been interested in music, and actually he has. Some of his earlier stuff that I would listen to with JP has stuck with me through the ages; songs like Another One Rides the Bus and Like a Surgeon are classics, to be sure.

Then came the "I'm probably too cool for Weird Al phase" when I sort of missed the boat on a lot of the stuff he was putting out, like Fat.

His fine UHF movie produced such classic lines as, "I'm thinkin' of somethin' orange... it's an ORANGE!" and "You get the FIRE HOSE!".

Now, apparently he has been making polka amalgamations of pop songs and they are teh awesomez! They are really funny, and dare I say catchy, and it kinda goes to show that Weird "Don't call me wierd" Al is quite a musical talent, and I should pay more attention to him. Not to mention he did a song called "All About the Pentiums" (spoof of All About the Benjamins) and most recently "White and Nerdy" (spoof of Ridin').

Treat yourselves to a half-hour of smiles, and enjoy these, and at the very LEAST, listen/watch White and Nerdy:

Angry White Boy Polka
Polka Power
Hooked On Polkas
Polkas On 45
Polka Party

And this is just funny, albeit creepy.