
Monday, April 09, 2007

Moobie Revue: GRiNDHouRSE!

So I seen Grindhouse tonight. Started at 8:30 and ended around midnight. Too long. It really is 2 full-lenght movies and the little previews at the start and middle.
1. Fake Previews: Pretty good! Funny stuff. Wouldn't ever want to see full-lenghts of any of them, but they're funny and entertaining and *strong point* short n sweet.
2. Planet Terror: The Robert Rodriguez one. Fucking awesome. Zombie flick, really funny and silly and gorey. PRetty much entertaining from minute one till the end. He just nailed it. The preview for it really doesn't do it any justice. Better than any of his other movies by far, and thats with him making a "bad movie." Wish the whole night would ended there.
*insert more fake previews - pretty good.*
3. Death Proof: The Taurentino one. Pretty not so good. Might have enjoyed it slighty more on dvd being able to watch it separetly from the whole package. He went for a less spoofy approach than Rodriguez. Lots of looooong (really looooong) scenes of girls sitting around spewing "authentic" dialog. Yeah, it definately sounds pretty authentic, but it's still not very interesting. Boring people talking about boring shit. Then some kinda-okay car chase/crash scenes. Those parts were cool, but they're buffered by those god-awful scenes of people talking about nothing. Fail.

So that's my review. I dunno, the first half was so good, it's too bad QT dropped the ball on his part. Also, maybe the overall 3-hour package is too much to take regardless of what the last movie woulda been.

ANYWAYS, there you go a-holes. Enjoy.