
Sunday, April 08, 2007

Kubla Khan

I spoke with Sir Meatball this past week and he is in like Flynn. He may have a second person with him. Let me chat with him. Meat and I bought our badges already and are set to go. I guess I need to speak with MotoByke and Jon about Sunday night action since Elzar will probably be leaving early. I vote we (jr0n, Myke, and eNron) stay through to Monday for the eXtra night of fun gamin'. We probably should talk about renting a vehicle for the weekend for transportation as well. One car will not work for Meat, eLzar, jr0n, myKe, Rude-dog, eNron, meat's friend (Maybe), Dennis (maybe) and gear. Unless Myke thinks the Stang will up up to the challenge, although this would severely limit gear.

Meat had also talk about coming up a day early (Thurs night) and I brought up taking off Friday. Thoughts anyone? I think we have a lot of X's we need to tie down. I will ask for that Friday off tomorrow at work. If I don't need to take the time off, I can always rescind my request. He also had looked at flights and was getting pretty good prices.

As far as the room is concerned I will book that today.

