
Saturday, February 04, 2006

Actually, that does sound like fun. I can't make it. But, I wish I could. AND.. I responded to your damned post. So, there.

*pokes Rudemeister*
A Weekend of Blood Bowl and Rugby Sevens

If anyone local, or otherwise, is interested, the International Rugby Sevens Tournament is coming to Home Depot Center Feb 11th and 12th! It is a REALLY fun game format, a really fun event, and very BB like. Basically it's rugby, but with 7 guys per side, so there is much more scoring, and more exciting plays. Lot's of fun, and lot's of enthusiasm from the crowd.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in attending, I'll be going, and we could play some BB that weekend as well! Make a whole nice little weekend of the thing!


Also, it might appeal to the non sports person out there, just cause it is so much fun.

Here is a link to the first day scedule of games. As you can see, it is a truly international sport, and the games are like 20 minutes long! Come on, don't you want to see the USA Eagles trounced by FRANCE in their first game? Sadly, the smart money is on France...

(my guess is that no one will respond to this post, let alone attend with me)

Friday, February 03, 2006

this weekend I'll devout to workin on some samples for you art - pester me here on sunday to get a response. will spend a good chunk of tomorrow on it!
New BadgeOfBlood production notes, for those interested:

I made my first crude 3D animation this week. It was so lame, but so cool to see it in action. Heh. Basically, all I did was create a coffee table, some shit on top of it, a few different kinds of lights and cameras and a table lamp that turned on and off. Wheee! Still, it was neat to see it actually do what it was supposed to. For our term project, we have to story board some kind of animated sequence. I was thinking of doing a sort of "Robo Rally" action scene from the first person. I dunno. I've got many weeks to think about it still, I guess.

On the game-development side of things, we're just about "there" with our first functional beta. The GPA low-poly player model has been completed and is being rigged for compiling as we speak. Can't wait to release those images to the public! It's gunna kick so much ass. I continue to make stupid props like.. beds. And.. textured pipes. We just got two new texure and modelling artists on staff though.. so that's going to be a big boon I think. Now.. if we could only find someone to produce our musical score and thematic loop-tracks!

*looks at Rudemeister*

hey hesselhoff, give me an email soon with information for me to use thanks? (wanna know what rom chip thingy you had found that worked - remembered there was some trial and error back n the day on finding one for yer gba) also, have you thrown yer rom catrdidge into a DS and had success? tell me please my friend! firstandlastname at dslextreme dot com.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

un-edit whatever the fuck you took out! good laughs this week, dont sugarcoat that shit!

ps - all yer stories you are all perverts, including the one about the poop in the seat.
Oh man, my sister is still mad at me about that one.

Morbid streak a mile wide, I have.

Update: This is just a weird, vaguely creepy story. West Virginia WTF.
No personal offense taken!

It was funny man and i knew exactly where u were takin it, but I just didn't want anyone ELSE to think I was being dead on serious or bothered by my latest observation. (I knew this subject might have been an uncomfortable one) Remember the time when people thought that your story about ur suicide was real???

Ok.. So talking about baseball bats, only little leaguers use aluminum bats while pro's only use the woodie ones... wakka
Edited for content.. man, I was starting to creep myself out!
"So, I was dating this chick who I hadn't slept with yet and she leaned in close to me on our second date and whispered in my ear, 'I want eight inches, I want it right now, and I want you to give it to me hard, big boy' ... so I took her back to my place, gave it to her twice and slapped her around."

/wokka wokka
Brokeback Graveyard

Hey Jael, no offense intended! I'll drink the small weiner grape Kool-Aid with you, sure, but only if you agree that we can have a shared gravestone that looks like this.

Let's do it!!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Wow.. check out this parrot video (sorry, no sexual content):

You guys are really putting the "action" back in the action team today.


I look at cock size like a major leaguer swinging a baseball bat. If he knows what he's doing, he's going to hit the ball out the park whether he's swinging a low-weight woodie, or if he's hefting a nasty aluminum monster. But.. all else being equal, the aluminum monster will surely deliver more crowd pleasing deep balling with its long, hard shaft. Granted, there is such a thing as too much. You get too big, thick and/or heavy, and you'll lose significant bat speed, power, and ability to drive your balls and use the sweet spot.
Ja -El: Just wipe your ejaculate off on her bra when you are done, then she'll scream for you real good. For? At? its all the same right? By the way, didn't you know? All of lifes complex systems can be explained away with simple gaming metaphors.

jrOn: I can not get this out of my head, "Yeeehaaa, I love Republicans AND... Butts"

"Sometimes I get the menstrual cramps real hard"
OKAY way off the mark here. I guess since i started the topic i'll have to continue this and explain myself, seeing that there's a whole lot of misunderstanding brewing.

First off, nice trollin jon, way to pump a whole lot of abject humor and cynicism. I don't think I made any insinuation with self pity, inadequacy or remorse. BUT thanks! You pointed out exactly what I meant and what the heck, just go kill myself. Now. Excellent. May I borrow your gun that you save for such an occasion? Or yet, think you might have reasons to join me.

A-orn, you make some good points except for the sweet ASL game comparison... I mean this is just the observation i made while playing WOW and then deriving a conclusion. I'm not really looking for sexual advice and basically I can care less. In between I admit, I made a lot of assumptions, ie (vaginal vs anal), or she's more of a screamer, BUT doesn't it not rule out another possibility? that having a larger penis caused such a reaction? It may not be "the truth" as I claimed it, but it certainly doesn't rule out that possibility. Although the measurement is 2 inches into primordial G spot, you are assuming that just by reaching there is enough to derive pleasure.

Anyhow, Agree or Disagree, or agree to disagree, that's just what i noticed. Maybe i'm wrong, but sure makes a lot of sense. Maybe i'll just instruct my gf to scream a little next time.
Sizing it all up

Ja -El: Well, i think perhaps you are not seeing the whole picture. First off, you are basing your theories on unknowns that may alter your conclusions seriously one way or another. First, you are assuming that they are having vaginal intercourse. Not a given. Could be anal, in which case penis size would have a factor, but not as much as friction. A penis of small stature could produce the same result or greater under the right circumstances. Friction is a key component to both vaginal and anal sex and a well lubricated insertion of grand stature may not produce as much vocal response as a small but lightly lubricated one. Moreover, it could be finger play, foreign object insertion, or oral. Or it could be any combination of several of these types of sex. However, for arguments sake, let us assume vaginal sex only. Other key factors that can produce different vocal responses unrelated to size are: position, speed, again lubrication, vaginal capacity, sensitivity (some woman are much more reactive than others), hammin' it up factor, and girth. Length does not play as key of a role since most of the nerve receptors for woman are no more than two inches from the canal opening. Also some women just tend to be louder and or more excitable than others.

To make a long story short, you need to concentrate less on volumetric displacement and more about agility and strategic placement. Johnny, think of it as a sweet game of ASL. A small crafty group can beat a much larger force by using their surroundings and fortifications properly to their advantage. If you try the brute strength attack as a more limited size force you will never perform well. You have to be deft and creative. Use what you have to your advantage, brains and tactical skill. Think: feints and thrusts at opportune times. One word for the those that can not get the feminine juices flowing: Tongue. Learn to use it.

Another note: Flaccid size does not necessarily correlate to erectile stature. Some men with large flaccid penises do not grow much and vice versa, small flaccid penal colonies can sometimes grow quite a bit more proportionately. And well, ignore pr0n because those guys are a little outside of the realms of average.

jr0n: That 7" bit was fucking hilarious. Sweet that you are livin' up the no girlfriend life. In a couple days you will be crying for her to return. Being a turd only feels good for a few days then it starts to suck.

fArt: Gross. Kiddie linkin' logs.

You've Finally Learned.

Hey man, you can't blame us for trying to make you feel better about yourself, but the truth is, those spam emails are right. If you're not packing at least seven and a half inches, you should just kill yourself, right now, before you even finish reading this sentence, because you will never, ever be able to please a woman. How are you going to audibly slap a woman's ass with a cock that is less than seven inches long? The truth is unless a woman begins to cry when she sees your package for the first time, you are out of luck. Remember that woman crying = MAN STRENGTH. So seriously? Kill yourself. And when you do it, leave your fly open and let your floppy shame noodle hang out of your pants. That way, when they find you, they'll know. No suicide note required.

Why are you still alive? You should have murdered your piteous self like nine sentences ago. Still with me? Well hang on because the news gets worse for you pal.

A lot of people don't admit this but also unless your prostate gland has enough potence that you can ejaculate up into a woman's vagina and have it shoot all the way through her body out of her eye, you are not going to give an orgasm to a woman. Not ever. Even vibrators will not work, for some reason. Fortunately there is a relatively simple suite of exercises you can do to strengthen yourself to this level. Unfortunately these exercises are fatal to anybody whose penis is less than seven inches long, but I would advise trying them anyway, because you have nothing to lose.

You know how when you get an erection, you're pretty much the same coloration? That is a major sign to a smart woman to RUN AWAY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. Because for the rest of us, it requires so much of our precious life's blood to engorge our mammoth stacks that when they are at full bore, so much has been drained from elsewhere that we appear to be little more than pallid, ghastly corpses. And that's how the women love us! In our half-dead cryogenic fuck-states we can pound those bitches for hours.

Another thing you don't know? We have a special term for men who have penises smaller than ours. That term is "women." Check yourself for ovaries pronto.

Basically my frank advice is to take a good long look at yourself in the mirrror. Try to imagine that you are a corpse (which you probably will be soon). Are they going to need a separate coffin to house your manhood? If not, hang your head in shame. It's time to give up.

Sorry, buddy.
Don't read this if your not interested in knowing THE TRUTH or you think this is a lame topic

You know what? I think cock sizes DOES make a difference. I call bullshit on all the downplay of a mans cock and how some people feel that it's the wave or someshit like that. Waves don't row boats my friends. oars do.

So i'm sharing this intimate piece of TRUTH with you all cuz you all are my friends, so I feel comfortable in doing so. But the reason I came to that conclusion is that last night my roomates were at it, much like Joerns roomates, and since the complex walls were pretty thin, i could hear ALL of it. Possibly they thought it was 2 am so everyone was asleep, of course they were flat wrong. I was playing WOW. Let me tell you WOW is not as fun when ur roomates are making the noochy. Anyhow i digress.

So my point is, in it I have never heard so much moaning and groaning, except in the porno movies. And it's not like the porno movies where you THINK she's moaning for the camera. I'm pretty sure these were 100% bonifide moans and banshee screeches. I also heard lots of slaps, so it is possible she could be moaning from the pain of the slaps but i doubt it.

I also happen to know the guy has a large cock. Since spas and massage parlors are common leisure time hangouts for the two of us, i have seen his package on passing moments from the steam room to the mens locker rooms.

What does this all equate to? Nothing. But i just wanted to expel all falacies, for if not, to only my friends, so that there is no more misconception in this area.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

... or maybe not, considering

all the long term damage it might do to your gastro-intestinal digestive system, and the chemicals it stores in your brain, fat and cells. It might just be the Spam-FIEND rice.

(jon is seen at the con with a grown appendage out of his stomach)
So, I'm hanging out with my daughter in the morning, reading my history text book while she's playing with some toys a couple feet from me on her little cushy chair. I see her go around the corner briefly into her toy room and come back out a minute later with a wet diaper in hand. Having just changed her a few minutes before, I thought that I had maybe left the thing on the edge of a table instead of throwing it in the trash can or something.. and she was bringing it out to me to be taken care of. So, I took care of it and threw it away.. and we both went back to reading/playing respectively. Well.. another 5-10 minutes later I look over at her and she's making the "poopy" face and I'm thinking, "Another diaper to change in less than 20 minutes, wheeeee!" And, so, when she's done, I say to her, "ok then, let's go get a diaper change!" To which, she does her usual happy exclamation and races me to the play room to the diaper changing table. Now, when I hoist her up to the table and pull up her nightgown.. there's no diaper. In about as much time as it probably took you to read this paragraph and register the gravity of that fact, it all ran through my head in a matter of a few seconds, too. Sure enough, there was a giant baby-log sitting on the seat of her cushy chair. A banner moment in my fledgeling fatherhooderism, for sure.

Thankfully it was a "dry" one.


Monday, January 30, 2006

How's Your Manly-Man Time Going, Jon?

1. Yesterday I ate McDonald's for breakfast and also played Mario Kart on the internet in the McDonald's.
2. Also I ate a quarter-pound of cheese and some spam-fried rice for dinner.
3. And got drunk.
4. And painted my little elephant-man's skin blue-grey.
5. I slept in a sleeping bag.
6. I ate spam-fried rice for dinner tonight, too.
7. On the other hand I did 30 push-ups so that probably worked off most of the calories.

Also I have a new official name for spam-fried rice. It is spam-FRIEND rice. Because it is my friend.

I have a whopping headache, urgh.

I sort of like sleeping in a sleeping bag.