
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

OKAY way off the mark here. I guess since i started the topic i'll have to continue this and explain myself, seeing that there's a whole lot of misunderstanding brewing.

First off, nice trollin jon, way to pump a whole lot of abject humor and cynicism. I don't think I made any insinuation with self pity, inadequacy or remorse. BUT thanks! You pointed out exactly what I meant and what the heck, just go kill myself. Now. Excellent. May I borrow your gun that you save for such an occasion? Or yet, think you might have reasons to join me.

A-orn, you make some good points except for the sweet ASL game comparison... I mean this is just the observation i made while playing WOW and then deriving a conclusion. I'm not really looking for sexual advice and basically I can care less. In between I admit, I made a lot of assumptions, ie (vaginal vs anal), or she's more of a screamer, BUT doesn't it not rule out another possibility? that having a larger penis caused such a reaction? It may not be "the truth" as I claimed it, but it certainly doesn't rule out that possibility. Although the measurement is 2 inches into primordial G spot, you are assuming that just by reaching there is enough to derive pleasure.

Anyhow, Agree or Disagree, or agree to disagree, that's just what i noticed. Maybe i'm wrong, but sure makes a lot of sense. Maybe i'll just instruct my gf to scream a little next time.