
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Sizing it all up

Ja -El: Well, i think perhaps you are not seeing the whole picture. First off, you are basing your theories on unknowns that may alter your conclusions seriously one way or another. First, you are assuming that they are having vaginal intercourse. Not a given. Could be anal, in which case penis size would have a factor, but not as much as friction. A penis of small stature could produce the same result or greater under the right circumstances. Friction is a key component to both vaginal and anal sex and a well lubricated insertion of grand stature may not produce as much vocal response as a small but lightly lubricated one. Moreover, it could be finger play, foreign object insertion, or oral. Or it could be any combination of several of these types of sex. However, for arguments sake, let us assume vaginal sex only. Other key factors that can produce different vocal responses unrelated to size are: position, speed, again lubrication, vaginal capacity, sensitivity (some woman are much more reactive than others), hammin' it up factor, and girth. Length does not play as key of a role since most of the nerve receptors for woman are no more than two inches from the canal opening. Also some women just tend to be louder and or more excitable than others.

To make a long story short, you need to concentrate less on volumetric displacement and more about agility and strategic placement. Johnny, think of it as a sweet game of ASL. A small crafty group can beat a much larger force by using their surroundings and fortifications properly to their advantage. If you try the brute strength attack as a more limited size force you will never perform well. You have to be deft and creative. Use what you have to your advantage, brains and tactical skill. Think: feints and thrusts at opportune times. One word for the those that can not get the feminine juices flowing: Tongue. Learn to use it.

Another note: Flaccid size does not necessarily correlate to erectile stature. Some men with large flaccid penises do not grow much and vice versa, small flaccid penal colonies can sometimes grow quite a bit more proportionately. And well, ignore pr0n because those guys are a little outside of the realms of average.

jr0n: That 7" bit was fucking hilarious. Sweet that you are livin' up the no girlfriend life. In a couple days you will be crying for her to return. Being a turd only feels good for a few days then it starts to suck.

fArt: Gross. Kiddie linkin' logs.
