
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Don't read this if your not interested in knowing THE TRUTH or you think this is a lame topic

You know what? I think cock sizes DOES make a difference. I call bullshit on all the downplay of a mans cock and how some people feel that it's the wave or someshit like that. Waves don't row boats my friends. oars do.

So i'm sharing this intimate piece of TRUTH with you all cuz you all are my friends, so I feel comfortable in doing so. But the reason I came to that conclusion is that last night my roomates were at it, much like Joerns roomates, and since the complex walls were pretty thin, i could hear ALL of it. Possibly they thought it was 2 am so everyone was asleep, of course they were flat wrong. I was playing WOW. Let me tell you WOW is not as fun when ur roomates are making the noochy. Anyhow i digress.

So my point is, in it I have never heard so much moaning and groaning, except in the porno movies. And it's not like the porno movies where you THINK she's moaning for the camera. I'm pretty sure these were 100% bonifide moans and banshee screeches. I also heard lots of slaps, so it is possible she could be moaning from the pain of the slaps but i doubt it.

I also happen to know the guy has a large cock. Since spas and massage parlors are common leisure time hangouts for the two of us, i have seen his package on passing moments from the steam room to the mens locker rooms.

What does this all equate to? Nothing. But i just wanted to expel all falacies, for if not, to only my friends, so that there is no more misconception in this area.