
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The eNron "Firehouse Java Love" Banjo-man Combat fuck da Vinci Code

You know any movie the church bans or otherwise has a hissy fit over, I wanna see. I had no interest in seeing Da Vinci Code before. It just didn't interest me. Plus I have not read the book. But now, well you bet your last dollar I will go see what the latest stick in the church's ass is. Or maybe I am too lazy. Yes, yes, too lazy to complete the training. Too lazy to rebel. Wait on that bet, you might lose some money. I donno.

I think spending more money on miltary, a la National Guard at the Pimentos and Shit border, is a great fucking idea. Why not enlist the entire country's productive population to stand evenly dispersed along the entire US border/coast with machine guns-a-ready. Gotta protect our borders from the sinister invaders.
