
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Th Da Enron Code

Hell, even if Enron DID have renters insurance, he is still an idiot. J/K d00d, rofl, xoxoxo, plz thx.

So the The Da Vinci Code has recieved putrid reviews from pre-screens apparently, and the Catholic Church and Opus Dei cells the world over are pissed, scared, protesting and attempting to get the movie banned. This seems like a perfect setting for some Holy Wars on everyone's ass! I think Hanks, Brown, and Richie Cunningham are all Muslim Athiests who hate the church and love Satan and Allah! (but seriously, is there difference?)

One quote I enjoyed from the CNN article was this:

The National Council of Churches in Singapore, which also had requested a ban, planned lectures to refute aspects of the film and the book on which it is based. The censorship board gave the movie an NC16 rating, barring viewers under 16, arguing that "only a mature audience will be able to discern and differentiate between fact and fiction."

Three cheers for the censorship board. They have a perfect handle on the age when kids can tell fantasy from reality. If I recall, when I turned 16 I finally realized that D&D was just a game, and that I wasn't really a sterile, hairless, muscular dwarf living on a harsh desert planet that hung out with an insect man that would flay humans and stick the flesh on his shell to make human jerky and then offer it to other human friends that we hung out with as a joke.

And also Chocolate Winter was NOT really my girlfriend.

I'm still going to see the movie cause a) Dan Brown needs a new Lamborghini, and b) I thought the book was fun and clever and would like to see how they made a movie out of it. I think it will be bad.

And never read Digital Fortress by Dan Brown. It was a stinker.