
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

doh box cars,

About fire-policies - I would probably get insurance provided that there were risks beyond my control that I absolutely would not be able affect the outcome. Me leaving the stove on is just too small of a chance and probably wouldn't happen or cause enough havoc to be worth it. Having a med-risk restaurant downstairs probably would make me think about it. Having a nuclear test site downstairs definitely TIPS the scale. I dunno, why is a japanese sushi restaurant using fire? Tell those murloc-slaying bastards to can it.

About movies - Its funny how when the church opposes a movie that it tends to draw more people to want to watch the movie. But it makes sense, since only about 20%? roughly 1 billion according to a site poll I read are catholic in the world. Ironically the movie probably does much better when it gets condemned. But I guess the desired effect is achieved by keeping it's religious members away as the latter probably wouldnt be swayed regardless. I probably won't watch it unless my friends happen to have a dvd copy or if it's on the plane and I have nothing else to watch.

Blogger: damn blogger.. was down and took me 10 minutes to log on. Surprised google hasn't changed the name of blogger to something like bloogle.