
Saturday, October 08, 2005

I concur

Johnny: That would be ruthless and/or career suicide to blatantly screw with the boss' blood relative!

Jon: Also, what do you mean by campaign idea? Warmachine? Cause man, those campaigns in Apotheosis and Escalation are neat, and impossible to actually play based on the miniatures requirements! I haven't read much into them yet, maybe the system is adaptable to our lowly 500 point armies?

Enron: Painting mini's is supar relaxing. It's nice to hear you're getting back into it again, it feels like it's been a long time since you have been into anything, really. Get out of the funk, and re-claim your Enron-hood again! Welcome back! Claim that table as your territory and mess it all up with paints, tiles, smuckers dinosaur jars of water, and Waldo brush holders/wyvern proxies!

Mike: Check out the favicon.ico!

Arturo: Happy B-Day Haylee!

Rudy: I listened to your tunes on iTunes, but I want to buy a copy of the CD rather than having to convert the iTunes format! When are they going to ask you to make a celebrity playlist? And if they did, what would it look like?

1) Freshman Dork - The JP Can't Come Over Band: "TJPCCOB is one of the greatest live bands ever, hands down."
2) Lizzies Nipples - DJ Swoop: "Raw. Honest. Pure."
3) Blitzkreig Bop (cover) - The Holophrastics: "Fuck 'em in the back now, indeed."
4) Like a Dungeon Dragon - DJ Swoop remix, featuring The Governator, Steven Hawking, and Busta Rhymes: "My name is Eric Hess, and my room is always a nasty mess. Brilliant!"

Denis and Ryan: *crickets, crickets, crickets, crickets* *tumbleweeds*
I dunno

Did she maybe think you were a Chinese citizen and didn't need a visa? That would be my first thought. I would credit it to just a fuckup instead of out and out plotting/malevolence. Most people are not going to make that obvious of a screwup for a vendetta since failing to get your boss (or the boss' nephew) cleared for travel reflects pretty badly on them.

Ah heh heh, ah heh heh, ahhh yeah

Enron, I'll place an order as soon as I get your list. If I do it this weekend we should get the stuff by our next game day. Then I will place my miniatures in my precious new case and swing them around triumphantly and maybe even fling the whole thing across the street. Anyway I have the seeds of a pretty cool campaign cooked up. To run it effectively, I need to order a couple more miniatures. Oh, shoot.

Myke, as soon as you get to work on your minis, postpixplzthx! I will try to get some of mine up as well! Hooray, gaming and fun! PS Eric I am in for True Dungeon, did I mention that yet? PS Steve ImSteve, are you alive?
Is this sinister or just my blunder? you tell me...

So 2 weeks back I joined a group of 2 engineers to go on a trip to the Shanghai Tradeshow. The itinerary was laid out, 1 day in souchou, 3 days in shanghai, 1 day in Guongdong, and 3 nights in hong kong. Everything was planned, hotels, airplane tickets, and transportation logistics. We were planned to leave this morning. So last night as I was sitting with some people from work for dinner, the question popped up if I had gotten my Visa. Naturally this struck a sensitive nerve. Uh Visa?

So apparently, going back even further, there's this manager, she apparently arranged the visas for the other two engineers. Apparently she didn't think I needed one, or did she? That's really fucking odd that she would apply for 2 visas and not ask if I needed one. On top of that, it's true that we had personality clashes in the past, but this is just fucking low.

anyhow that was my fuckup story of the day>

And on your left, just below me is our resident grave robber, Dr. Twat. No seriously, I have been sold on Vallejo paints too. I went to Games of Berkeley last weekend and brought a bunch o paints. Good stuff. Gotta buy me some more. I can not say I have a War machine army to paint though. I have been working on my chain mail minis to try get my painting up to speed. I forgot how relaxing painting can be.

In other news. My job has become interesting to say the least. It would appear that the company is going to try to sell the builidng I am helping manage. In fact the company is putting their entire portfolio on the market since the property market is so hot right now. They are expecting the portfolio to sell to the tune of $1 billion dollar for well over 2 million square feet of office space, most of which is concentrated in three large pieces of property. The theory is that my job is pretty safe. Meaning that I, along with the other property management team members, will be sold with the building. Sort sounds like slavery. Being sold is cool in a sick sort of way. Well mostly because I can say I have been. Anyway, I am not sure where any of this is going to lead. Maybe it will be pretty benign, maybe Ill end up on my ass in the street in a few months.

Jorn: I think I want you to grab me a few bottle of paint from The War Store when you buy your case. I will send you a list once I have it put together. I have to patch some holes in the paint spectrum I selected last sunday.


Friday, October 07, 2005

Geez look at that twat to the left!

So, I'm sold on Vallejo paints. I wish I could turn all of my paints into them instantly. F U Citadel, Vallejo is where it's at. Hats off to you Dennis and Elrock, I was doubting but now I'm a believer. Oh, and in the glory of Menoth as well. I have to admit that I was thinking about getting the Iron Kingdom books too. Damn!


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Gamer Movie With Kelly LeBrock and Beverly D'Angelo!

Here's the preview clip in Quicktime. It's actually pretty funny I thought. Maybe a bit crass, but hey jerk, ever heard of a humanity point?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Ah, Myke, great to hear some good ol' wargame trash-talkin'! I'm excited to see your minis as well (especially if you have time to paint 'em up). Now that I see miniatures with a different eye I really enjoy looking at people's work. Oh and did I mention I'm also looking forward to smashing your 'jacks to pieces and turning your women and children into zombie slaves? AH HA HA HAAAAAAAA!

I've been reading through Escalation -- the second of the three books -- and I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying the story stuff. Although the rules and unit descriptions in Prime are interesting, it was a struggle for me to get through the fluff because it's pretty dry and also there are a lot of typos. But the second book is all story stuff and it's pretty well-written and certainly much more professionally edited. So yeah, that's what keeps me going on the long bus rides these days.

I have a whole bunch of humanoids to paint up next, so I'm practicing on my old Chainmail minis... wanna practice some highlighting and washing techniques before I move on. Once I get access to a digital camera I will post some pics and then you guys can see how far I have to go. Alternately I will just post more penis pictures! You never know, with ol' Ragnar Oetersbane!

Yeah anyway.

So... sign me up for True Dungeon, sounds like a good time! Looking forward to seeing all you guys!
Ah, the Kings.

Up 4 - 0 at the end of the first. Lost 5 -4.

It begins tonight!

God I hate my picture -- What a TWAT!
Graduation vs. GenCon? There can be only one!

Naw, just kidding. Good point though Eric, glad I checked. None of the Grad ceremonies are on that weekend (perhaps the one before though, phew!) I'm there for GenCon. Hey Rudy! Cool to hear you'll be there too! Oarsome, as my boatie friends would say.

So, I've slowed down on the WarMachine now -- not having paints isn't helping. Eric, you up for a trip to Nerd Planet sometime (this evening maybe)? I'll drive, if you like. Need to get da' rules as well.

Greetings all others as well. Hope to see you soon! Just to speak my bit vs. Grand Dictator Eric... I'm trying to get application materials together and job apps off. (deadline after deadline) Hopefully once the materials have been redone, the apps will become a bit easier. In case you think this is even remotely more fun than what you are doing bear in mind that I have spent two days now writing my '5 year research plan statement' Waaahooo!!!!!

Jon, prepare to eat Menite flames! That is if my 'Jacks ever get their cortexes back from fighting Denis's brain destroying jack... "duh, ok, I attack... *drool* *drool*"


Thats great your coming for the whole bit, Rudy! And as far as WoW is concerned, I didn't REALLY turn on my account again... or did I... No, I didn't... or maybe I did...

So, I'm going to get all 7 tickets for True Dungeon, and then we can always sell one back (I think) if DaveDefeat doesn't make it. When should we do it?

Also, there is a True Dungeon Tavern that is in the Marriott! There are NPC's walking around to talk to and get info and cool stuff from for the dungeon, places to play games, as well as beer after 6pm! Huzzah!

Now, all we gots to do is get Art to ditch his family obligations and Johnny to come back to everyone's favorite country, America!

Also, Mike (I know you're out there!), I thought you were returning to the UK in November for a bit, I can't remember why. Make sure it is NOT over the weekend of the 17th - 20th! Thursday - Sunday! Don't do it!

- Arrested Development is tbe best show on television. Netflix season one, you won't be disappointed, people.

- There is a God. Hockey starts tonight!
News From The Rudy Front!

Still here! My little random thoughts don't warrant me clicking the Blave button, hehe. I'm a lazy bastage!

Yes, I am down for full Gen Con goodness. Will reg at the con though. My money situation has been FUCKED beyond belief, but throughout Oct I should be doing uber-overtime for a project, and paying for the con should be fine.

WOW. Call me sometime Eric. I'll fill you in on the new RP-PVP servers. Might know someone on there too. Hmm. :P

-Buh Bye!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

To blave!

Man, I've clicked on this damned link like 3-4 times this week and keep getting interrup

On a whim (based entirely on the fact that I bought some fruit and nut mix from Costco that was my snack food for all the WoW instances, and it got me reminiscing), I fired up WoW tonight. Of course I had no character and I couldn't log in, but the sound of the login screen firing up... that music... I SO want to log on again and play!

Then I started thinking about having to group with people, and all the complexities of the game that I have forgotten over time, and I was discouraged. Or was I....

- Good news from the Enron front! Hopefully Davedefeat will come along!

- Any news from the Rudy front?

- Warmachine Update: One pikeman fully painted as my tester. 6 others primed, with the base coat airbrushed on, as well as the airbrush shading. Need some airbrush highlights and then the detail work! Also, ordered No Quarter #1 and #2 from doordice.com yesterday. Only place I could find that had any of #1 still in stock. Good times!
True Dungeon!

I love it. I am in. We will probably die in the first room, but hey, it'll still be fun. Dr. Futbol, find those tokens from two years ago. You have all our gear you pirate.

I am not sure if Dave is coming, but if he is, I am sure he will bring his skin flute. Let me plant the bug in his ear and see what kind of crap comes out his mouth.

Speaking of which, I was able to secure the 17th and 18th of November off. Now I gotta figure out how I am getting down there.

True Dungeon Registration

Here's the deal, it's open, it's available, and it's $22.50. It was a BLAST last time we did it, and this time it's 2 hours long, pending we live that long, and it's the third time they will be doing this so I think it will be an even better experience. That being said, we should do it!

I'm thinking I should just register for all of us at once, that way we are guaranteed to get in together, but I need to know if Rudy is coming. Rudy, are you coming?

Eric, Jon, Aaron, Denis, Mike, maybe Dave, and maybe Rudy. If we all came, at least for the game, we would have a full party of 7. If one or more of us cannot make it, or doesn't want to play, then we will have some other Yahoo's joining our group to fill it out.

Rudy? Are you coming at least for a cameo visit to the game, if not for the whole kick-ass con?

Enron? Is Dave gonna make it? That would be sweet. I hope he brings his flute.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Wacky Rulesets

I seem to be one step behind. I read the new ASL rules with the hopes that Mike and I will play, then we end up almost playing Band of Heroes and instead play A&A:D-Day, then I read the Band of Heroes rules so that Mike and I can play that next time, and instead we end up playing Warmachine, which of course we are all still fuzzy on. Ach! What to do!

So yeah, Denis and his Cygnar Legion took on Mike and his Menothite Brigade in a 2' x 2' battle royale that used Chainmail scenery. Terrain makes a TON of difference in the battle. There were some flamin' 'jacks by the end of the game, and a lot of stupid (destroyed cortex) 'jacks as well. Pretty fun, and it ended with the Cygnar warcaster going up in Purifying Immolation Death from the Menoth Caster. Pretty cool.

Inspired me to get off the lazy, weight-gaining ass of mine, and get back to painting my guys up for GenCon!

- BTW Art, my address is: One Seven Three Three Elm Avenue MB CA Nine Oh Two Six Six.

- And I hope you totally played Pink Floyd's "Learning to Fly" every minute you were in the plane.

- I quite like Cold Stone from time to time. Nothing more than a child-size, or small, absolutely.

- My neighbors are the fucking most fundamental of fuckhats. Lowest common fucking denomination of cocks and cunts over there.
My word

I do hate the cold stone creamery myself. When I was working at Pat's every once in a while we would go there, but we would tell the poor employees, "This is not a slight against your singing prowess, but we will give you a nice tip if you do not SING that god forsaken sound!" It usually worked too. Personally I do not like their ice cream anyway. Way too sugary.

Mike-n-Loft: Sweet deal on the war machine. The funny thing is, Eric, Jon, and I were saying that Menite was right up your alley. You just seem to like the Paladin religious righteous types for gamin'.

Man Elzar is a real tyrant. Oh well, I better fall into line. Long live King Elzar I.

Art: Have fun flying.
