
Sunday, October 02, 2005

Wacky Rulesets

I seem to be one step behind. I read the new ASL rules with the hopes that Mike and I will play, then we end up almost playing Band of Heroes and instead play A&A:D-Day, then I read the Band of Heroes rules so that Mike and I can play that next time, and instead we end up playing Warmachine, which of course we are all still fuzzy on. Ach! What to do!

So yeah, Denis and his Cygnar Legion took on Mike and his Menothite Brigade in a 2' x 2' battle royale that used Chainmail scenery. Terrain makes a TON of difference in the battle. There were some flamin' 'jacks by the end of the game, and a lot of stupid (destroyed cortex) 'jacks as well. Pretty fun, and it ended with the Cygnar warcaster going up in Purifying Immolation Death from the Menoth Caster. Pretty cool.

Inspired me to get off the lazy, weight-gaining ass of mine, and get back to painting my guys up for GenCon!

- BTW Art, my address is: One Seven Three Three Elm Avenue MB CA Nine Oh Two Six Six.

- And I hope you totally played Pink Floyd's "Learning to Fly" every minute you were in the plane.

- I quite like Cold Stone from time to time. Nothing more than a child-size, or small, absolutely.

- My neighbors are the fucking most fundamental of fuckhats. Lowest common fucking denomination of cocks and cunts over there.