
Saturday, October 08, 2005

Is this sinister or just my blunder? you tell me...

So 2 weeks back I joined a group of 2 engineers to go on a trip to the Shanghai Tradeshow. The itinerary was laid out, 1 day in souchou, 3 days in shanghai, 1 day in Guongdong, and 3 nights in hong kong. Everything was planned, hotels, airplane tickets, and transportation logistics. We were planned to leave this morning. So last night as I was sitting with some people from work for dinner, the question popped up if I had gotten my Visa. Naturally this struck a sensitive nerve. Uh Visa?

So apparently, going back even further, there's this manager, she apparently arranged the visas for the other two engineers. Apparently she didn't think I needed one, or did she? That's really fucking odd that she would apply for 2 visas and not ask if I needed one. On top of that, it's true that we had personality clashes in the past, but this is just fucking low.

anyhow that was my fuckup story of the day>