
Tuesday, October 04, 2005


On a whim (based entirely on the fact that I bought some fruit and nut mix from Costco that was my snack food for all the WoW instances, and it got me reminiscing), I fired up WoW tonight. Of course I had no character and I couldn't log in, but the sound of the login screen firing up... that music... I SO want to log on again and play!

Then I started thinking about having to group with people, and all the complexities of the game that I have forgotten over time, and I was discouraged. Or was I....

- Good news from the Enron front! Hopefully Davedefeat will come along!

- Any news from the Rudy front?

- Warmachine Update: One pikeman fully painted as my tester. 6 others primed, with the base coat airbrushed on, as well as the airbrush shading. Need some airbrush highlights and then the detail work! Also, ordered No Quarter #1 and #2 from doordice.com yesterday. Only place I could find that had any of #1 still in stock. Good times!