
Saturday, August 02, 2003

i turned some of the old "convention time" songs into mp3s- i only had one little batch, and it wasnt the best (although its got a song about sean nolan which is nice.) can we host them on the site here?
:leaJ ot egassem terceS

mailed your shit today- u should get it by friday or so- hit me up once received!
So, there was this ladder

...and I was it moving while on top of a roof for work, it was a 4 part, jointed, aluminum ladder. I was stuck on the roof cause the way the ladder was set, I could only get to the roof, not down again. So after like 10 minutes of trying to figure out how I was going to get down, I funally decided I needed to pull the ladder up, flip it over, and then put down again in another, more stable and even spot. While i had the ladder above my head, on this small roof, one end was heavier than the other, so I pushed it up, released my hand, and then shot it down the ladder so as to get a more balanced grip. When I did, I thought, "Huh. That hurt a bit, I wonder if its going to bruise?". I then put the ladder the way I wanted and thought it strange that the ladder kinda slipped out of my hands as I set it to its more favorable position. Then I saw more of my own blood on the outside of my body then I ever have before. It was literally pouring from a huge gash on my thumb, and I couldn't wipe away the blood fast enough to see just how large the wound was, it kept spilling more and more blood. All I knew was that it was large, in charge, and deep as a mofo. Took me about 2 seconds to decend the ladder, then I had to find the keys to let me back in the hotel, then go down the stairs to the front desk to ask where the nearest hospital was, then go to the nearest hospital (which was Cedars-Sinai, I was on Pico and Beverly, traffic was sweet.), then get fixed, then go back to work and clean up my mess, then go home. If there was any question as to where I left my tools, all I needed to do was follow the blood trail I left on the ground and door knobs....

I required anywhere from 6 - 10 stitches, I lost count....

All in all, good day, though no surfing for me for a week, and it is a beautiful day here...
poop report

Too much to drink last night. Feels like I'm shitting salad oil.

'orrible dreams

I'm still shaking off that grim nightmare feeling... probably inspired by the alcohol and extremely late bedtime, I had a horrible nightmare that I was watching a terrorist attack on a building in Russia (like the one last night). But this one was out in the fringes of civilization, sort of an outpost, and most of the dream was after the attack, where wild dogs and bears with snake-like, extendible jaws came out from the wilderness to feast on the helpless survivors. Lots of mangled limbs and bloody jaws.

poop update

It just wouldn't die! Flush after flush and it just wouldn't leave! Its horrible remnants still float in the toilet bowl almost directly almost my head, waiting for me to come back upstairs.

convention... time?

Johnny. I am totally willing to go to the convention this year if we can get Eric and Aaron in the house. What do you guys say? I'll even handle the registration.

I dunno, I haven't been to a con in a while, and it just sounds like a good time.


Last night at Matt's going-away party (off to MIT biz school) I was talking to a girl when a large, boisterous guy came up to us.
"Wanna see my new watch?" he asked.
"Sure," she said.
He turned around, fumbled drunkenly for a moment, then turned back with his penis wrapped around his wrist. He wasn't circumcised.


Here's a silly picture.

Friday, August 01, 2003

Vacacion: next week

I'm excited... kibbles n bits n bits n bits! I won't have to waste away here at wokr. I think the convention is coming up in september. is everyone not going? per usual. I wouldn't be surprised. I would make a trip down if one other person goes, but probably not.

Concerts: there is a dave mathews band concert and a bruce springsteen concert this month.. both of which I have no interest in, but it's for everyone else's fyi! got that!?

Her life is in your hands, Dude

I'm thinking about (for the heck of it mostly) doing a cd thru the cafepress process. The base price is pretty steep ($8.99) and what sucks is you always have to factor in the uber-lame "cheap" shipping cost of $5 , but still, it means NO cost to start with, and I was thinking about doing it with some of my older beats. Just making a cool instrumental cd - the cd I finished with Dore, we're gonna try and get that taken care of more "professionally" or whatever, but my other shit, I got tons of songs laying around. It'd be kinda cool to compile the old convention songs too- I was like a pre-Wesley Willis, only more retarded. 1 humanity point. Do it! Ok, maybe.

- Karl Hungus

Thursday, July 31, 2003

publish that shit - its gold

That sucks Ryan. I feel your pain, I've had some pretty bad roomie experiences myself. The worst was with a guy we'll just call Baron. Baron Fillin'. When I lived with Baron he had parties every weekend, and every weekend, different women. The carpets were rank with filth. The place reeked of the chlorine that I used to scrub the fluids off the walls. I kept getting infections in my joints; the cat caught herpes. One day I was standing across the room from him and he shot come into my eye.

The girls who slept naked on the couch every night had plastic bodies and tired faces. There were three suicides, and each time he told me I had to chainsaw the corpses myself. There was an arm in the freezer, the tables were broken, there was diarrhea everywhere.

Finally I said, "You know what? I have more self-respect than this." So I walked out, Ryan. I walked out and I left that life behind me forever, and I haven't looked back once.
Hey Ry, have you thought about moving in with your parents for a little while?
Week of vacation

I'm taking a week of vacation next week. Whatcha all doing? that means you all can come and visit and i'll be able to hangout. so what's the dillio niggaz?

What it means to each of you:

Jon: A Post relaxation from Hawaii adventure with your old pal from high school, who has shared the pains and joy of spending the summer with Mr. Fauver and his Academic decathalon tryouts.

Rudy: A getaway from all your car problems, and we can be jammin some tunes with my new keyboard

Eric: Mostly hopeless, but last time you only got a glimpse of what fremont has to offer

Ryan: er... need i say more? a great time-out from your current living debaucle

Michael: nothing really.

Aaron: To escape the drudgerous faggy lifestyle of sanfrancisco

did i miss anyone...??

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Nicotine Contact High

Rude, that is a bad deal. I was there November 2002. FUck! Your ride looks about how bad my car did. $12,000 in repairs and 11 weeks later I had wheels again. Go go gadget Insurance. Fuckers couldnt expedite shit, not to mention care for the customer appropriately. On the other hand, I did not have to pay for the 12K. Rude you have to be on those assmasters like fleas on a camal.

Yeah so I had this one Point of Sale(POS) terminal that had some social issues. It would only communicate with either the fuel dispensers or the satillite, not both. Pissed away hours on that pile. So the company that uses the infernal machines sends me a new COM port card, only to find after several more hours of jerking around that the card applies the wrong interupt vectors to the ports. Go go gadget DOS drivers: they can not be assigned new ones. So the company sends me a "new" Fucked-up Whore of a POS that slept with every gas station this side of the Mississippi. Got me a "new" OLD pentium 100 with 8 MBs of RAM, Preinstalled with nicotine flavored dust bunnies and fresh asstray scent. I mean four, crusty, chain-smokin' Krauts could have been living inside this thing since 1965 and it still would have smelled better then the condition this one was in. Of course the POS does not work right the first time. Thus, I have to bust open the case to get my hands shoulder deep in nico-jizz. EVERYTHING in that case was brown! IDE cables, usually a dull grey PVC plastic, Brown and less than supple. The colored PS cables: Brown tinted. The Dust bunnies... You guessed it! BROWN. The PCB of the MoBo BROWN! So I come to find this computer came from Las Vegas Mon. Figures. To make a long story short, the niggling cough I have been trying to shake for 2 weeks, has flared up from an allergenic response. RULE!

Other than That I am great! Job still rules compared to my last position.

"Whores? Where? Sign me up!"
A-runky renfield

And what you talking about dude? Your no voyeur to this blog! Your a postin whore like the rest of us. Quit trying to elevate your status and suck it up like the rest of us bloggin whores.

And don't pretend to not blog just cuz i said this!

sorry ry

i swear i wasnt trying to steal your shine! although my situation was one extremely brief period of suckiness thats sure to be followed by at least a few weeks of sporadic suck, your living situation seems like a continually sucky suck-a-thon. Dude, where do you live and why do you have roommates? I have my own apt for $530 a month- its not Hermosa Beach- well, whatever- you probably love living at the beach, so thats cool. I just cant imagine having to have roommates at all. I'm sure you make SOME kinda money, so u could probably find yourself a nice *cozy* little studio at least- fuck those jerks. I don't believe the part about them listening to Pennywise though.

Good luck bro- move the fawk out!

P. Wisington The Clown, esq.
wow... sucks man

the good thing is, let your insurance company take care of it. Save you a lot of hassles. Hey, thats what we pay insurance for right? is in case shit like this happens. Out of 100 cars, 1 is bound to get into an accident. I think that's how they statistics the insurance rates. At least no one's hurt.

That looks like about the same speed I hit the pizza truck with, when i was in high school with the toyota carolla. u guys remember that hot rod? still running today.

ok... peac
yeah, didnt crack open my skull or anything, but i got plenty of nasty rug-burn-esque hurt on my face and arms (airbag) and a few minor cuts from various things in my car. so fucking lame. i re-ended someone- it happened INSTANTly so there wasnt much time to do shit. now im dealing with the insurance- they'll get back to me in 2 business days- thanks.

So, is that your car we are looking at? If it is, at the very least it's a good sign the windshield isn't cracked which in turn means that your head didn't hit it.
Ry, get the hell outta there.

Nothing is worse then being stuck in a crappy living arrangement. Eric and I can attest to that. Fuggin’ El Conq, AKA El Crotch. A-holes with no respect for others. Everyone there was so self centered and disrespectful that you often become jaded as a result. After all, your home is you sanctuary. Who wants to have unnecessary stress at home. On another note, I am sometimes like you Ry in that I just don’t feel like contributing. Periodically I just do not have anything to input, but I enjoy hearing what others have to say.

Work is pretty darn good up here. I am busy almost all of the time. That makes all the difference in the world. My days are more interesting and they feel like they go by much faster. Before I felt like an 8 hour shift was like sitting in the DMV all day, bored outta my skull. Now I get to play with hardware and software all day. Anyway back to work.

“Good news, it’s a supparlic”

Wow ryan... although you don't blog alot, your stories probably have more substance than the flood of moronic shit that we blog! so no worries mate! So i'll continue with my incoherent babble. Seriously though, that sounds like a really bad situation, one that reminds me of college days back in the dormatory. I don't think I would really like to relive that. I was just pondering my actions had I been in that situation again, would I: A) try to be cool and join the mindless rabble in idle chatter and hopefully get to fit in B) try to put the Mac 10 on the chicks, which probably would not happen C) close the door and hide out in the room D) Leave the house.
all of the which would not have been great resolutions.

Er... what's new? Currently, i guess i'm just entrenched in my movie endeavors.

Okay, I read this every day, but I never blog. I don't rightly know why. It really never occours to me to contribute. I just really like to be the casual observer and voyuer, if you will. Anyway, I digress.

I hate where I live. The house, the roomates, the area, the lack of parking... everything. The other 2 guys that live here had a party last weekend, and the night went something like this:

7:00-7:30 pm- Ryan returns home after day of rad surfing to find the front door slightly ajar. Upon further investigation, Ryan realizes that nobody is home and checks to see if all of his belongings are in tact. They are. Ryan decides to check his e-mail on his new cool computer and realizes that one of his roommates has made it so that whenever the computer turns on, Ryan is logged into said roommates AIM account. Ryan sighs, logs out of the AIM account, and makes a mental note that his roommate is a prick.

7:35-8:30 pm- Ryan hears the front door open and the sound of footsteps comes immenently closer. The question of the ages: "What's up bro?" can be heard coming from insdie the kitchen. "Did Mark [Ryan's prick roomate] tell you what's up?" the person asks.
"No," Ryan said.
"Well, he's at a wedding shower and won't be back until 8:30. He said that he was just going to leave the door open and that we sould come in and hang out until he gets here."
"Oh, okay. He never said anything about that to me. Whatever. Come in," Ryan said, turning back to his computer.
Three males continue to fill the refridgerator with so many cases of beer, that there is little room for the bottles of water that Ryan likes to drink. Ryan retreats to his room where he can hear many other people arriving. Sounds of beer bottles depresurising and Pennywise can also be heard.
Around 8:30, Ryan finally decides to venture out and see how lame the party is. There are 17 males and only 4 females. 4 of the males are eating and the rest are watching a ping pong game outside. The females are ignored. Mark returns and his friends are happy at this. Ryan doesn't understand why.

8:30-11:00 pm- The party is in full swing. One young man is running around poking [people in the back of the neck, arm, etc. with the sharp end of a paperclip that has been bent. Ryan's other prick roomate possibly had the quote of the night. His name is Kenny. One of the 4 girls who was there had to use the bathroom, but Kenny was standing in front of the door to the facility with his arms folded, looking so tough. Mind you, Kenny is getting a divorce, has a daughter and is 27.
"Where do you think you're going?" Kenny asked.
"To the bathroom," the girl said.
"Not unless you show me your tits," Kenny said.
"There's another bathroom over here," Ryan said.
More stuff happens, the carpets get dirtier, beer bottles are left all over. At 10:50, the whole party decides that they are going to venture to Hermosa Beach to drink some more. Cabs are called, already drunk people decide to drive, and by 11:00 the house is totally empty, save Ryan and Mark's dog. The fact that the party only lasted until 11:00 was Ryan's favorite part.

I need to move. Mark's home now. Help!

Tuesday, July 29, 2003


1992-93 Montreal Canadiens 8
1992-93 Los Angeles Kings 2

Bastards! As a result I hate What if sports. Now what would be really cool is if I could match the 1974-75 Philadelphia Flyers against the 1980-81 Oakland Raiders. Now that would be cool. Or something. N-e-way, the What if sports is pretty cool. Ill have to spend a little bit of time wasting my life away with some action jackson.

Dick Hole

PS Jon that sounds like a great movie. How many times did you have to view it?
This is Fun

I think this link will apply to Ryan, Enron, and perhaps Rudy and Jael too, so Jon and Mike (right), stop reading!

This is a pretty cool site!

It is a fantasy sports site called WhatIfSports, and lets you do all sorts of fun fantasy league stuff like a drafting a fantasy league team using players from ANY era and year of the game! Each player is rated in credits and you buy these players and add them to your roster. Then play through a season doing some sort of player management along the way, I haven't done it yet, but you can play for free (20 hockey games) and are somewhat limited in the players you can select and the option you can perform, but enough to see if you want to play through a season (82 hockey games + playoffs @2 games "played" per day). It seems fun and a REALLY fun time waster is the SimMatchUp area. Lets you pit any team from any year against each other using that years roster and then plays out the game and gives you the box scores. Fun!

92-93 La Kings 4
00-01 LA Kings 5(OT) Goal by Schneider Assist to Palffy and Smolinski
Road Trip Road Trip

Stuck in the monotony of your daily routines in life???!!! Well CMON DOWN! you win an awesome 3 day self-paid vacation, ALL paid 4 star resort (recently upgraded) in the lovely, seaside suburban city of Fremont, where cocoa pebbles are grown in abundance!!! We have two lovely pools, one indoor and one outdoor, a room sized gymnasium, and a country clubhouse near the main office. Mail is delivered here daily.

If you guys come, make sure you drag rudy for me? he's being a little shitsa, and it's buggin the crap out of me.


Monday, July 28, 2003

your rorders

go to san fran sooN! i need to give jael some cds, but i aint got the money for a trip, so delivery for me, ya? cool guyz thx!


Over at thesmokinggun.com theres a funny thingy about the F word. fucking here! Some kid in highschool got taken to the principals office and ended up cussing off the viceprincipal, so they filed a lawsuit against the kid, and the defenses stradegy is pretty funny- he gives the history of the word fuck and all kinds of other kooky shit:
Some movies such as Scarface, Porky's and Goodfellas are known for the extensive use of the family of Fuck words (Fuck, Fucking, Fucker, Fuckface, Fucked, Absofuckinglutely, etc.)
Pretty funny. Awesome dvd review Jaw-n! I remember that movie coming out and it seemed like it was better than American Ninja 2, but I never saw it so i could be wrong.

Upcoming DVD Preview: Only the Strong

Only the Strong is a ‘90s American kung-fu movie starring a nameless actor who looks like a watered-down clone of Jean-Claude Van Damme, but who apparently is Brazilian? I’m not sure. I watched this movie in Spanish, which really is exactly the way to watch this kind of movie.

It is about a man named Louis who is a master of capoeira, a Brazilian martial arts/dance technique. Capoeira is the theme of this movie and you’d be surprised how many teachers and gangsters are familiar with it!

After a stint in Brazil where he does flips and jumps with his capoeira buddies, who seem way better at it than him, Louis goes back to his old alma mater, Lincoln High. This is a really bad school. It even has a guy with a tiny moustache and aviator glasses who wears a jacket that says, “School Police.”

Louis visits his old drunken teacher, then stops a fight between a normal American black kid and his brother, who is a Jamaican gangster. This leads to the school establishing a capoeira program. Louis asks for the twelve worst kids at the school, who turn out to be mostly pudgy blonde kids, except for the Brazilian kid, the black kid, and the asian kid. The black kid has the Jamaican gangster brother and the Brazilian kid’s cousin is the big gangster boss, who is also into capoeira. Presumably the asian kid also has some yakuza or ninjas in the family that are being held back for the sequel.

Louis’ capoeira program goes well until his constant run-ins with the Brazilian gangster causes the gang to burn down the school, killing one of the kids. Unfairly, the principal shuts down the program and fires Louis.

Louis decides to take his war to the streets. In a stunning move he attacks some guy at a car warehouse. After trouncing him, like ten other guys run out of somewhere and he trounces them too. The best part is that in the Spanish version the audio is not correctly synched during this fight so that when he is attacking with a pipe, you hear the clangs, thuds, and screams well after they are shown on-screen.

He also fights a guy wearing a welding mask. He kicks his ass too, then carefully turns off the welding torch. Then he tells the guys who are still standing that he has a message for their boss and he lights some upholstery on fire and then tosses a gas can into it. Before it explodes he runs away really, really fast, in a totally scared way, and obviously the actor is a little nervous about this stunt.

Some other stuff happens and Louis gets captured. He wakes up on a beach and all the Brazilian gangsters are playing a capoeira rhythm, even the white and asian ones. They light up some kind of weird rune made with gunpowder, but the stunt doesn’t work so everything burns at different rates and it looks pretty shitty. Anyway, Louis is about to get martial arts-icuted, but then all of his pudgy students show up and start doing flips and shit, so then Louis challenges the Brazilian guy to a one-on-one fight, and this time, “There are no interruptions.” IT’S ON! They have a swordfight and he beats the guy. When the bad guys realize that their boss is gonna lose, two of them start pulling out guns, but one of the pudgy kids that you haven’t even seen until this point in the movie kicks the guns out of their hands, really slowly. It turns out that these were the only two of the thirty-plus gangsters to have guns, so that’s that.

After Louis defeats the boss, all the other gangsters stand around shaking their heads really slowly or clenching their fists. They’re pretty disappointed. They don’t seem to worry that the cops are coming.

The kids who got the guns try to high-five and miss, so obviously they didn’t get to that part of the capoeira training yet.

Then there’s a big graduation ceremony where I guess the 12 worst students have managed to pull it together and graduate. Good for them! Then there’s a surprise capoeira ceremony. But not with the students, it’s with the original Brazilian guys who have somehow come to America. Louis starts doing flips and jumps in his suit and tie. He still looks way clumsier than the Brazilian guys.

We go to the credits with the single worst rap theme I have ever heard, performed by Marcel “ICB” Branch. Sample lyrics: “Keep the rhythm, keep the pace, kick the nonsense right in your face!/Flip the negative into positive, and then you learn to live and learn to give!”

THE END! Soundtrack available on Fox Records!

This movie was strongly reminiscent of several classics that I watched with Rudy after class in high school, such as American Ninja 2, and while I was watching it I immediately began composing lyrics for another Orange Jews masterpiece.
Shaolin Soccer

To provide the usual opposition to Johnny's movie opinions... :) I saw Shaolin Soccer and it was pretty goddamned funny. The thing is, my friend had a bootleg, and although it was a very amusing movie, part of its greatness were the really poorly translated subtitles. So, I think that's actually the way to see it, rather than in the English dub.

Maybe I can borrow it again and we can check it out....
Man, if you watch that soccer movie you should be called....

Shoalin Succer. Cuz thats what you are. Cuz that movie stinks. It stinks so bad, I can smell it here.

I saw the movie previews for it and it lhooks Soh Ghay.

Don't do it rudy...

You'll be wasting 8 bucks. So it is said, so it shall be written.

P.S I got some new IKEEEA furniture this weekend. Picked out a model room and based it off of that. The Ikea furniture no longer impresses me, as seemingly nothing changes in that store. But the quality and price you pay is really great. Cheap and decent. On the other hand many learned mistakes were made in the assembly, but whatever. Ikea is great.
once upon a time in bignutzicleese

oh man, when I saw 28 Days Latar the other night, there werent any good previews beforehand, so right now I went over to apple.com to check out some trailers, and theres some cool ones. The Once Upon A Time In Mexico trailer is pretty sweet- Robert Rodriguez ALWAYS kinda dissapoints, but hes also kinda good, so, im hyped for this one- looks fun. Then the Shaolin Soccer trailers look totally awesome and fun too. Then theres Seabiscuit Too, and Seabiscuit Wedding trailers- I dunno- I think this whole trilogy thing is gettin out of hand.


Sunday, July 27, 2003

we dont need no stinkin prof store

if you wanna sell different type o the same item, its suggested u just open another store- lots of cheap ppl have 5+ stores- so, jon, or jael, or whoever, just open another store for free, and offer diff version.
On Closer Inspection, These Are Loafers

Okay. How do we feel about columns? I can shave what once was 298 pages down to about 207 with two colums per page @ 7.5 x 9.25. And I agree whole heartedly with Jon and his take on crap-ass perfect bound shit. Games Workshop screwed me over too many times with perfect bound glue that hardens over the years and then falls apart before my tearing eyes. So we are at a small impass. The only reason not to do this both ways is that we will need a professional cafe press store that costs money to hold the two types of books, but that is something to worry about later.

So, columns or no?
Happy anniversary, fux0rs!

Did some fun gamin' today. It was nice to get together, at last.

On the book... I honestly wouldn't mind a spiral-bound. I know you guys think, "Spiral-bound, whatta piece of shit," but listen up. I've seen a few non-coffee-mug-type-things from CafePress, ie the lunchboxes, and they are not necessarily fantastic quality. I'm worried that the "perfect binding" will in fact be the type of perfect binding which, like my copies of the Paranoia, Ghostbusters, and Tales From the Floating Vagabond RPGs, as well as my copy of Book 2 of the Chronicles of Xanth, rapidly disintegrates, leaving you with a cover, a few sections of book, and several pieces of dried, crumbled glue.

Is spiral binding cheaper? Is there any reason we could not save the text in multiple sizes and offer both options?

(BTW, one of the neatest things about Mac OS X is that you can easily save anything, in any program, as a PDF, through the Print command. This is a mighty handy feature.)
ix-nay on any more ost-pays, soz we can keep the ost-kay own-day for the ook-bay, omprende-kay?

elrocknrawl: can u tell me how to put music on my website? I get shit for space (20megs) thru my free hosting, so I was thinking about maybe setting up more free-hosting sites to house my music, and then i can somehow covertly link from my official site to wherever i keep the mp3s stored (like a geoshitties site or somethin like that.) Sound cool? help plz thx!
Fun Size

18.00 is not bad. The type face can go down, it is set at 10pt right now and there is some extra white space that could be rid of. We will have to see how Eric does with it. But my guess is that we will not get it much smaller than 250 pages @ that format. We will also need to add the entries from last thursday up until the 27th of July (The 1st anniversary), the preface and any other extra text we may want. Rudy the only way we can get a smaller format will be to go to wire bound. Ick! We do need to get the number of pages below 275, the maximum size for perfect bound. Might be tough @ the Technical Manual (7.25x9.25) size. Elrick may try and look at reducing the physical size of all those large images (A lot near full page size). Maybe you can increase the DPI. Oh yeah, do not forget page numbers and header info.

Just fiddling with the Fonts and a few others I did get it down to 254. Maybe Elrock can do some more Magic.

Woolly Booger
toh-oh calculations!

According to my advanced calculations, a perfect bound book running approximately 342 pages would cost us around $18.00! Yikes! 7.5x9.25- isnt that for the 8x10 setting? Ugh- we want it paperback size- we'll make that type SO fuckin small! :)

Im Beethoven

SO I got the whole document reversed. It has been a long time since I have used Perl. El RawK, I think the last time I did was when we were trying to put together a site for T2Impact. RULE! THat's a great memory. D'oh! Anyway, at 7.5x9.25 with close to max margins alotted by the cafe press site, I am getting approximately 342 pages. I shall send it your way El Rawk.

I am the Weiner