
Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Ry, get the hell outta there.

Nothing is worse then being stuck in a crappy living arrangement. Eric and I can attest to that. Fuggin’ El Conq, AKA El Crotch. A-holes with no respect for others. Everyone there was so self centered and disrespectful that you often become jaded as a result. After all, your home is you sanctuary. Who wants to have unnecessary stress at home. On another note, I am sometimes like you Ry in that I just don’t feel like contributing. Periodically I just do not have anything to input, but I enjoy hearing what others have to say.

Work is pretty darn good up here. I am busy almost all of the time. That makes all the difference in the world. My days are more interesting and they feel like they go by much faster. Before I felt like an 8 hour shift was like sitting in the DMV all day, bored outta my skull. Now I get to play with hardware and software all day. Anyway back to work.

“Good news, it’s a supparlic”