
Wednesday, July 30, 2003


Wow ryan... although you don't blog alot, your stories probably have more substance than the flood of moronic shit that we blog! so no worries mate! So i'll continue with my incoherent babble. Seriously though, that sounds like a really bad situation, one that reminds me of college days back in the dormatory. I don't think I would really like to relive that. I was just pondering my actions had I been in that situation again, would I: A) try to be cool and join the mindless rabble in idle chatter and hopefully get to fit in B) try to put the Mac 10 on the chicks, which probably would not happen C) close the door and hide out in the room D) Leave the house.
all of the which would not have been great resolutions.

Er... what's new? Currently, i guess i'm just entrenched in my movie endeavors.
