
Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Nicotine Contact High

Rude, that is a bad deal. I was there November 2002. FUck! Your ride looks about how bad my car did. $12,000 in repairs and 11 weeks later I had wheels again. Go go gadget Insurance. Fuckers couldnt expedite shit, not to mention care for the customer appropriately. On the other hand, I did not have to pay for the 12K. Rude you have to be on those assmasters like fleas on a camal.

Yeah so I had this one Point of Sale(POS) terminal that had some social issues. It would only communicate with either the fuel dispensers or the satillite, not both. Pissed away hours on that pile. So the company that uses the infernal machines sends me a new COM port card, only to find after several more hours of jerking around that the card applies the wrong interupt vectors to the ports. Go go gadget DOS drivers: they can not be assigned new ones. So the company sends me a "new" Fucked-up Whore of a POS that slept with every gas station this side of the Mississippi. Got me a "new" OLD pentium 100 with 8 MBs of RAM, Preinstalled with nicotine flavored dust bunnies and fresh asstray scent. I mean four, crusty, chain-smokin' Krauts could have been living inside this thing since 1965 and it still would have smelled better then the condition this one was in. Of course the POS does not work right the first time. Thus, I have to bust open the case to get my hands shoulder deep in nico-jizz. EVERYTHING in that case was brown! IDE cables, usually a dull grey PVC plastic, Brown and less than supple. The colored PS cables: Brown tinted. The Dust bunnies... You guessed it! BROWN. The PCB of the MoBo BROWN! So I come to find this computer came from Las Vegas Mon. Figures. To make a long story short, the niggling cough I have been trying to shake for 2 weeks, has flared up from an allergenic response. RULE!

Other than That I am great! Job still rules compared to my last position.

"Whores? Where? Sign me up!"