
Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Yayy Working Con!

Sounds like a great time... almost as much fun as vectorising house plans in Illustrator 10 hours a day, which is how I spent the weekend. Epic. Oh, and of course downloading and listening to old 80's rock. Man, I'd almost forgotten how bad (and good) some of it was -- thank goodness Vice City reminded me. So, what IS the Nyarlahotep plush? You've digital cameras, I want a picture! I'm feeling even more jealous now. Ah well, one day I will return to the happy land of pseudo Nirvana that is convention tyme - one day...

Oh, and of course, rowing race on Sunday -- which we were favoured to win, and actually lost in the first round, and also in the 'losers plate' competition. Ace. So, all told I should have driven the many thousands of miles to booblacon for the fun and said to hell with the work. 'Splain to me these new games -- espeically the N scale WWII game -- that has some real potential. Also, Ja-el - isn't the dice flicking game just crossbows and catapults, that great party avoiding game? Koool party! Also, did you find that the convention was, or was not a fucking grab bag? ? Right, I'm back to tracing little black blocks on the computer -- whooohooo!
