
Tuesday, May 27, 2003

De Profundis

This is a really neat idea of a "game", and I would be more than excited and willing to try it out. The gist is this: Writing correspondence letters to each other as characters in the Call of Cthulhu universe (which is really OUR universe as far as the letters are concerned) thereby creating a free-flowing, dynamic story that unfolds over the course of the letters being written. Mike and I actually did this briefly over email and it was fun, though the book says to NEVAR use email because it is too easy to rattle off crap without really thinking about it and giving the letter the attention it needs, we still (briefly) had some fun, and I would like to try this again.

One reason that makes me think it might work is that Rael and I think Motorbyke already took some time and energy to summarize a few CoC sessions from Return to the Mountains of Madness that were really cool! They were fun to read the summary of what we already played, and I can see these same styled letters telling new stories.

I'm thinking for atmosphere in the game could include: variations of handwriting based on mood, mental state, etc., letterhead from various locals, doctored photos, parcels of goodies (statues, articles, pages torn from books, etc.), damaged pages, exotic stamps, etc. Also, the letters (or whatever) should be sent inside of something else so that the envelopes and whatnot can be "properly" addressed to the ficticious character's address.

Any of this sound interesting?

So, I guess what I need is interested parties to send me their addresses, and we can see what happens! I'm guessing nothing, but it's worth a shot, no?

ALSO: Check out the old action team site, it has the aforementioned writings posted, as well as some fun pictures!