
Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Fun was had by all... Cool Paty!

Kublacon Rating: 9 (on a scale of 10) Gencon would be 10
Booblacon was a refreshing surprise. There were lots of attendees, mostly guys, saw a few big boobies.. and Lots of Games! There were definitely a larger element of board/miniature gamers, and the organization was fairly competent. Flea market was definitely controversial. It only opened for 2 hours, and during that 2 hours it's like a mad scramble of conventioneers and bad odor. Noticed a large games workshop element.

Some more memorable stuff in addition to previously mentioned:
-Invention of the brilliant dice castle and paper wad catapult game. Rules: small dice are stacked three layers high and a paper wad which is flicked as cannon shot to destroy wall. Lots and lots of fun and was extremely entertaining. Entertaining moment: Instead of flicking soft and plush paper wad, Aaron decided it was smarter to try to flick the solid 8oz 20 sided dice despite the fact it looked like it hurt alot... Aaron in pain = funny. Needless to say, I omitted my turns to flick the dice.

-We also played Aliens, dungeoneer and alot of dwarven dig. I think the latter two very good purchases made by elrock. I predict that dungeoneer will last for at least 2 months, and dwarven dig for 4 months of interest.

-Kudos to Eric, for driving up 800 miles just to hang out! and then having to wait patiently for 6 hours playing his playstation at my house. Also realized the incredible amount of games he brings to the con to share. After he left on sunday, Aaron and I were stuck with Battle cry, Heave Ho and Junta. We ate some dinner and watched a really cool movie on the Boob Tube. I enjoyed the movie, Aaron didn't. It was about this pre-adolescent girl having an affair with her friends dad... lots of nude scenes and a brief lesbo kiss scene.

-5 ELEVATORS!!! I know westin had 6, but it seems the ones in westin always stayed on level 1 and 2.

Yay booblacon I!