
Monday, November 19, 2012

Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie

First of all, wow on that Kickstarter! I would never have imagined that game doing so well, but there really must be a market for it! Are they gonna have space-furries like the Kilrathi again?

Secondly, holy shit I laughed my ass off at Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie. It's showing on Showtime right now. I always resisted checking out the Tim and Eric show on Adult Swim because it just looked like weird anti-humor I wouldn't like, but now that I've seen it, it's BRILLIANT. The funniest 11 minute show you'll ever see. The movie was really good, but fair warning, it's pretty extreme in parts. Nothing the Action Team can't handle, but talk about NSFW/NSFAnywhere. But if you have an open mind, I think you guys might like it. It got a half-star review from Ebert which is pretty hilarious. He sounded so letdown.