
Monday, November 19, 2012

Flight Sims and rRods

iFart: I still remember the night we got a copy of Wing Commander. It came on some 10 disks I think and was compressed. It took something like 2 hours to decompress on our then high end rig, a 386sx running a chipper 16mhz. I remember waking up a couple of times in the middle of the night to the soft glow of the DOS installer screen washing over your sleepy, hunched silhouette. No surprise Star Citizen has your full upright attention. I always liked the idea of these games, they just never hold up to the expectations. Probably because I suck at flight/space sims. Case in point: eNron flying your super ace in The Battle of Brittan...

fArt: "Crap you got shot to shit, eject."
eNron: "Which key is it again."
fArt: "Which key is what?"
eNron: "Which key to eject?"
fArt: "Dude, it's 'J'"
eNron (staring blankly at the keyboard): "Uhhhh..."
fArt: "Dude, not funny, eject before you crash"
eNron (Panicing): "Where is the 'J' key"
fArt: "Dude, fucking eject, it's not funny"
eNron (more panic): "I can't find the key"
fArt: "What?! Dude hit the goddamn key. It's on the right"
eNron: "Where on the right?"
fArt (Stunned silence)
eNron: "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!"

Plane splashes down. fArt is slack jawed in disbelief...

eNron: "Shit, I couldn't find the key"
fArt: "Asshole! What the fuck was that? You better hope my Ace doesn't die. He has 50 plus confirmed kills. Ugggg, well the chances of dying are pretty slim, you will probably get picked up by a British surface ship."
eNron (more stunned): "Ummm, it says... Your ace died."

fArt stormed out of the room.

Yeah, that.

But I did really enjoy X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, although I sucked at that too.

RROD? That is no good. If mine were to RROD, I probably would not replace it either. I just don't use it very often at all. I used to use my Xbox for Netflix, but I got a Roku and stopped paying the Xbox live Gold fee. Plus, the Roku streams much smother, cleaner than the Xbox ever did. For gaming purposes, I tend to almost exclusively use my PC, sprinkled with the occasional Xbox game.

My PC is getting pretty damn old. The rig is about 4.5 years old and holding up, but it certainly could use an upgrade. Yet, I continue to drag my feet on the expenses. I know it will need almost all new components, aside from the drives, the case and the PSU. Uggg, so much to do, so little money to do it with. My Vid card is particularly long in the tooth (Radeon 4850). 54 months is ancient by those standards. At least I solved the overheating issues (dust), the card would cut out when it hit 120 degrees... Celsius. Toasty. I can not believe any part in my computer would even operate at 250 degrees Fahrenheit before conking out.

Rude: I like that ja -El "Tells a really good joke." Too bad about eLzar dying.

Made some brosmary bread this past weekend. Damn that was good. I used 1-1/2 Tbs of fresh chopped rosemary. It was awesome with Olive Oil and Balsamic. Damn!
