
Sunday, October 09, 2011

I'm gonna go see Drive this week. I've heard it's basically more Michael Mann than Michael Mann is anymore, so that's got me pretty hyped. I don't know much about the Goz but he doesn't make me retch or anything.

Just rewatched The Thing yesterday. A lot less scary than I remember, but it's still pretty awesome. It's almost like The Resistance, the movie. :) There's all these scenes of them sitting around not trusting each other and we nailed that vibe pretty well in our games. I'm pretty hyped for the new prequel. Ronald D Moore (BSG) had originally written the script, but I guess it got an entire re-write by some other dude. I don't know if that's good or bad, but I can't wait.

Online Gaming Club: You guys wanna meet again on Wed night of this week? We can finish off Fiasco! The next indie-darling I'm thinking about picking up is 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars. I've heard it's a pretty great lite-system. There's character sheets and a GM, but I think it still has a non-traditional vibe to it. Here's a pretty good review that 'splains some of the mechanics. I'll let yall know if I buy a copy.