
Saturday, October 08, 2011

Both well worth your spacebux!. Drive is pretty fuckin great... a really slow-build. It's very strange, moody and unique. Lots of long, still, almost creepy shots. But for that reason it's a movie a bad audience can fuck up. But, by this time the 2fast2furious crowd is probably done with it. (Yikes, elitist!)

Ides of March, we went into without knowing much about it. It's a really solid drama, well shot, enjoyable performances by The Goz and the rest of the bigname actors in it. It's kind of a B+ movie if you know what I mean. Really good, interesting, we came out of it totally satisfied, but doesn't kick you in the nuts or anything.

I've also been reading the new Neal Stephenson book, REAMDE. 350 pages in the last four days. Long way to go, but so far it is pretty awesome. Fast-paced. I'll type up a book report when I'm done.

Also picked up the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus HD remake for PS3 and currently replaying Ico before tackling the other one (I only got to the second Colossus on the PS2 version.) Sweet little game. The polygons aren't updated, but the lighting and HD textures look really nice. This game does things with light, sound and shadow that I'm still not sure anyone has really outdone.

I guess what I'm saying is, I'm a pretty happy media consumer right now.