
Monday, September 26, 2011

Trail of Cthulhu

Like Jon on his Kindle, I've been doing some Lovecraftian re-readings and my CoC juices have been flowing. Trail of Cthulhu looks like a really interesting take on Mythos role-playing and even MORE interesting is The Armitage Files supplement. NOBODY LOOK AT IT BECAUSE I REALLY, REALLY WANT TO RUN IT.

The Armitage Files is a vast departure from anything I have run as it is mostly a framework and set of references for running an almost 100% improv game. There are launching points for sessions, but it is designed to be a highly collaborative game where the players and the GM riff off of each other to create an interesting story, which is really the best part of our CoC games, or any RPG's for that matter.

I have visions of running a session of this at each Kubla/Cabin/Prostie-Con and see where it takes us. The supplement really sounds interesting and I miss telling and hearing stories.