
Monday, September 26, 2011

I was wondering what that Cthulhu book was about! I'd be more than down to play. If it's mostly a narrative fancy-pants indie-darling type of system, I'd also be down to try it over Google Hangout - do it!!! :)

Speaking of those kind of RPGS, I had brought but never busted out Fiasco during cabincon weekend. It's thing is, 3-5 players, gm-less rpg. You roll a pool of d6 and then use the results to "buy" different character relationships, settings, and items. Then, everyone's character gets a spotlight scene where they play out what happens. You can choose to set the scene and then let the other players determine if it has a positive or negative outcome. OR, you can let them set up the scene and then you get the power to chose the outcome at the end. Seems fun and only about 2 hours long. The settings that you can play with all have a Coen Bros vibe to them.