
Saturday, February 20, 2010

I've been posting on Something Awful's forums for a few year nows but usually just in the video game section. Recently took a look at the "traditional games" sub-forum and it's got some awesome play-by-post rpgs going in it. :) Take a look through:
Traditional Games
It looks like they take forever to get finished, but there's some real gems in there and it's fun to sorta "sit-in" on another groups game. Some of the GM's go all out with the visual aids.

Friday, February 19, 2010

oh shit, Mr. pussy cows mad!

now... my question is... was that for real?

Cuz you could actually see the bitch slap coming a mile away, since he took off his shirt first, so there's NO way someguy would still be sittin duck.

second, it looks like they were playing some DND or WFRP, imho... whatta bunch of nerds...

Oh and third, thats a clever left hand.

No.. no.. no..

You have it all wrong jA-eL. It should be:

If you want to make a game. pussy cow.
Just don't make something lame. pussy cow.

If you want to make something great,
we should all collaborate
pussy cow. pussy cow. pussy cow.

Been playing some serious PS III stuff lately. Just catching up for the 5 years of "being a kid" i guess. lol. About .6666 way through the game, and already hoping that my roomate shells out for Bio2. Hes not much of a renter type like rude, so he'll probably just shell out the 60 bucks. I'm spending way too much time looking for loot, but the problem is that if you don't, you might end up running out of bullets to shoot the scary zombie monsters!

If you want to make a game. go see cal.
Just don't make something lame. go see cal.

If you want to make something great,
we should all collaborate
go see cal. go see cal. go see cal.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I would throw down cash monies for your game, but I was under the impression you had some sort of contract deal with the other creators where no one could put it out. I don't know how these things work. From the promo videos I saw, it looks like something that could have had a following for sure.

Endless Possibilities!

My immediate thoughts on the Kickstarter site was to resurrect the game project, absolutely. Then I just started thinking about all the different artsy/creative things/stunts/projects that could be done, some just for the sake of doing them.

There are a lot of interesting projects on the site already, like the guy who is going to write and publish 52 short stories, one a week, for a year. The contributors get to offer ideas, character names, plot twists, etc. for funding the project and in effect sort of collaborate with the author along the way. Kinda neat.

How about "100 slaps in the face", a video project that for every 5 dollars funded, the subject will ask a random person to slap them in the face, video it, edit it, then publish it somewhere.

How about "You tell me which songs to mashup", has a vote list for low funders, and for higher paying supporters, a write in for any song they want. Then make the album of mashups, and release it. (of course licensing would make this impossible, I'm just spitballin' here).

How about a "Choose your own adventure-style" book/ebook/online-book that allows your supporters to vote/determine the directions characters and plot lines will go and see where the story ends up. Publish it on lulu.com, and see what happens.

These are things I just threw together as I typed, but you get the idea. It seems like an interesting funding/collaborative tool that has some neat potential and power for those who have a strong enough, and compelling enough, idea and can leverage people they know (their network, as it were), to buy into the concept and make something happen.

I dunno, prolly just one of those 'Eric's a dreamer' posts, but I really, really like my perceived potential for a site like this. Suck it, Dream Squashers.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


That's an interesting website Eric. If I was in a music making mood, I'd totally consider trying to get a record finainced using that. Pretty cool. What were you thinking you could use it for? Action Team website costs or like putting out a game again?
Was home sick today. Feels like a cold, sore throat and annoying stuffy nose/post-anal drip. Like just painful enough that I couldn't really sleep comfortably today but just took a nyquil so I'll hopefully soon receive the sweet embrace.

Beat Mass Effect 2 last night/this morning (re-did a bit at the end to get the ending I want - sorta like flipping ahead in choose your own adventures to see if that was a good choice.) It was great! Final time 58 hours! Yikes. I did EVERYTHING though. I scanned and mined every single planet in the game, did every side mission (they're actually all interesting and different this time so it's fun) and basically just enjoyed my time in the world. I rented it, so I didn't even have access to all the content - one of the new sneaky things they do to circumvent renters/pirates is include codes in the game that give you access to more shit, so I missed out on one team member and a handful of side missions. No biggie. It's funny, they give you the option of BUYING that code right there in-game for $15 bucks. It's a little annoying but hey, I didn't spend $60 bucks on a game so can't complain.

Anyways, awesome game.


jr0n, that was quite a little dialog you had with a book, a dead plant, some cereal and a storage unit. You should have your squash checked out. On the bright side, it was funny as shit.

Kickstarter. What is that noise about? Have you seen anything on the Internets about real world results? I wasn't able to find much in my thorough and exhaustive 2 minute google search.



So, what are we going to do with this? My mind-grapes is humming about the possibilities.

A really inspiring, amazing site.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jon, I am sorry about your shitty work and even shittier turn of bad luck, but your explanation of what happened could not have been funnier. Kudos on the humor. Not kudos on the shitty times.

Where I'm At

Last Week: Huge work stress at my work + huge HR-related stress at the ladyfriend's work + huge HR-related stress at my work = bad times, constant feeling of pressure and stress, 24/7 acid stomach.

Cut to Valentine's Day

ME: Wow, it was fun playing WFRP with my friends. I like my friends and would like to play more WFRP with them. Maybe I can talk them into playing more WFRP. It is fun to play WFRP with friends and have a fun time. I know! I will go to my storage unit and pick up my old WFRP stuff. I can play that with my friends and we will all have fun.

STORAGE UNIT: Guess what, I have been broken the fuck into.

ME: Ohh shit. Did anything get stolen from you?

STORAGE UNIT: About $200 worth of camping gear and LEGO have been stolen. Also, many of your books are strewn about the fucking floor. Also you get to spend most of the day dealing with the cops and insurance agency about all of this fucking bullshit.

ME: Groan.

STORAGE UNIT: Hey, why is your Japanese homework from your second quarter of your sophomore year of college in me?

Cut to the next morning

ME: Well, maybe I'll enjoy a little breakfast and do some reading.

FORCES OF WARMACHINE: CYGNAR: I am a fun book to read over breakfast!

ME: I agree!

LADYFRIEND: Hey, look how nice these flowers you got me are!

(Something about this causes me to jerk spastically.)

LARGE BOWL OF CEREAL: How the fuck did you did spill my entire contents all over that book?

FLOWERS: Seriously, what the fuck was that?

FORCES OF WARMACHINE: CYGNAR: Congratulations, asshole, now I'm fucked. Thirty-five dollars down the tubes.

FLOWERS: You asshole.

FORCES OF WARMACHINE: CYGNAR: You may as well just throw me in that idiot storage unit.

Cut to today
ME: Is it true that every day is an endless litany of despair and misery?

WORK: Yes, indeedy-doo!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy V-Day gentlemen

jr0n, that Cal Worthington flow chart is sweet. I Especially enjoyed the vindication of my childhood belief that he was saying "pussy cow." That is rad.

eLzar, remind me next time we are together: I also need to make my periodic Actionteam hosting donation to you. With regards to password protection. I am leaning against. It may become just another obstacle to Actionteam regularity. Being the lazy turds that we are, it may even cut back our already lethargic rate of reading and posting. Besides, I think the only vulnerable one here is eLzar (Whois records) everyone else is pretty safe as long as people continue to not use last names. If the group or eLzar, wants passwords though, I'll go with the flow.

With regards to the archives, that blows. Does that mean that you will need to manually archive in the future? Maybe we can keep the archives on a manual page within the Actionteam webserver.

Regarding the next WTFRP, jr0n, I will likely be going down to LA one of those weekends, but I will not be sure of the date until probably this Tuesday. I will let you know as soon as I can.
