
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Where I'm At

Last Week: Huge work stress at my work + huge HR-related stress at the ladyfriend's work + huge HR-related stress at my work = bad times, constant feeling of pressure and stress, 24/7 acid stomach.

Cut to Valentine's Day

ME: Wow, it was fun playing WFRP with my friends. I like my friends and would like to play more WFRP with them. Maybe I can talk them into playing more WFRP. It is fun to play WFRP with friends and have a fun time. I know! I will go to my storage unit and pick up my old WFRP stuff. I can play that with my friends and we will all have fun.

STORAGE UNIT: Guess what, I have been broken the fuck into.

ME: Ohh shit. Did anything get stolen from you?

STORAGE UNIT: About $200 worth of camping gear and LEGO have been stolen. Also, many of your books are strewn about the fucking floor. Also you get to spend most of the day dealing with the cops and insurance agency about all of this fucking bullshit.

ME: Groan.

STORAGE UNIT: Hey, why is your Japanese homework from your second quarter of your sophomore year of college in me?

Cut to the next morning

ME: Well, maybe I'll enjoy a little breakfast and do some reading.

FORCES OF WARMACHINE: CYGNAR: I am a fun book to read over breakfast!

ME: I agree!

LADYFRIEND: Hey, look how nice these flowers you got me are!

(Something about this causes me to jerk spastically.)

LARGE BOWL OF CEREAL: How the fuck did you did spill my entire contents all over that book?

FLOWERS: Seriously, what the fuck was that?

FORCES OF WARMACHINE: CYGNAR: Congratulations, asshole, now I'm fucked. Thirty-five dollars down the tubes.

FLOWERS: You asshole.

FORCES OF WARMACHINE: CYGNAR: You may as well just throw me in that idiot storage unit.

Cut to today
ME: Is it true that every day is an endless litany of despair and misery?

WORK: Yes, indeedy-doo!
