
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy V-Day gentlemen

jr0n, that Cal Worthington flow chart is sweet. I Especially enjoyed the vindication of my childhood belief that he was saying "pussy cow." That is rad.

eLzar, remind me next time we are together: I also need to make my periodic Actionteam hosting donation to you. With regards to password protection. I am leaning against. It may become just another obstacle to Actionteam regularity. Being the lazy turds that we are, it may even cut back our already lethargic rate of reading and posting. Besides, I think the only vulnerable one here is eLzar (Whois records) everyone else is pretty safe as long as people continue to not use last names. If the group or eLzar, wants passwords though, I'll go with the flow.

With regards to the archives, that blows. Does that mean that you will need to manually archive in the future? Maybe we can keep the archives on a manual page within the Actionteam webserver.

Regarding the next WTFRP, jr0n, I will likely be going down to LA one of those weekends, but I will not be sure of the date until probably this Tuesday. I will let you know as soon as I can.
