
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Definitely gonna get a game of this going next year.
So true, Bobby Mcaaron. I thought about that same thing before, what medieval dentistry was like. Wikipedia gives some good historical accounts. Some of the old iron tools looked like stuff you'd see in torture chambers. Forget xrays, or impacted wisdom tooth. I don't think anyone WANTED to live past their 30's!

GURPS Dentist

Ja -El, that sounds like suck to me. Tooth pain does not rule. I can not imagine what life would be life if we lived hundreds of years ago and had dental issues. No antibiotics, no anesthesia (ignoring alcohol) and no dentist that you would want to visit. No wonder people were mean back then.

On the up side, eLzar, I found some wheels for you. Bail that Prius machine and roll with this fine machine:

Noooooooooooooooooo! I don't think I could take TWO dental operations in one weekend...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Cool, man!

About noon at my place on Sunday sound good? I'll give ya a call tomorrow night once I'm back in SF. I was thinking we could play a little GURPS Dungeons and Dragons....
nah m8. Sunday's fine. the anti-bacterial pills killed the swelling. When's the game and where? Ruday - u comin?!
Gah -- sorry to hear about that Johnny! We were thinking about getting together for some gaming on Sunday -- I assume you are going to be out of shape and unable to make that?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Gah, dude!!! Goodluck man, hope it isn't too painful. SO what the hell, thanks for calling Aaron on Sunday night but not wanting to talk to any of the rest of us. :(
Yeah, it's completely swollen inside the teeth, and there's a lot of pressure buildup. The antibiotics lessens the inflamation and kills the bateria that's causing the infection. Supposedly if you don't, or if you have an abscess it can go into your brain!
Yike Johnny, good luck. Teeth stuff is always the worst. It's easy to let things slide but the 2nd something is messed up in our mouthes, SO much pain and so much hassle. Hopefully the operation isn't too big of a deal. Why the antibiotics BEFORE they take it out? Is there some kind of infection right now?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Major toothache

Fuck... my first molar tooth is killing me... I thought it was remedied in the philippines, the previous doctor diagnosed it as a hairline crack and drilled it to remove the crack line and then filled it up with paste. It was fine for the last month, only a little sensitive, then it just hit me this morning. Its a constant throbbing and if i bite on my tooth its even worse.

Doctor is not available until tomorrow 3pm..... omfg. so it's advil and ice for another 24 hours

eh..! When ur in that much static pain, my mind just doens't feel like doing ANYTHING... except lay in a fetal position in the corner and cry..

Edit: Just got back from the doctors, had an vacant opening, basically have to get the tooth extracted! Have to take antibiotics for 5 days before.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Post-Con Wrap-Up/Links

First, a series of links to some of the stuff discussed this con:
Jim Gaffigan - This special is available on the Watch it Now - it's very good! It kept popping into my mind this con - Hot Pockets
The new Band of Brothers "sequel" - The Pacific
Louis CK - Suck a bag of dicks.

ANYWAYS, con was good! Going up Thursday was nice and a good mellow start to the con. Like Mike said, was a good way to get the "hi, how ya doing" part of of the way with everyone catching up and get right into gaming.

I probably played more games than most cons, so that was a plus. On the other hand, Sunday was probably one day too many for me, so next time I'll trim a day on one end.

Good to see everyone, sorry we missed you Johnny!

Another Year, Another Recap

Kublacon is passed yet again, and overall felt it was a good one. Plagued by the standard analysis paralysis of herding 8+ people in one direction was a pain, when things did move, everyone for the most part seemed happy. I got some WWII action in, some good group games, decent sleep in the van cum-quarantine/sanctuary and ate surprisingly healthy for a con - actually for just being me.

Highlights include:

- Sgt. Brichman of Company 1821, The Second Beards

- Imagining how to best use the claimed artifacts from Incan Gold all at once, without getting into specifics, some terms bandied about were: matterhorning, 5-holing, fleshlight, golded can, 2nd beard, poly-orchard, and *ahem* golden anus.

- Finding the front snap-in curtain for the van and creating a total room of privacy and comfort (in the parking structure) that facilitated actually sleeping without fear of basey, saw-logging as I inevitable fall asleep last. I felt refreshed when I wasn't sleeping off a day of Gin and Tonics.

- Gin and Tonics!

- Finishing my 3 year quest to have cheesebread served with my salad bar at Sizzler. I have asked for the past 2 years for the bread that is advertised, and verified with my server, to be delivered to my table. I never received it until this year, almost as we were finished eating and ready to leave.

- The sketchy knife stabbing old man and grandson behind us at Sizzler. So weird.

- Expereincing the joy of Jon's friend Matt as he purchased a crap-load of BB stuff, watched our game, and then talked about playing and painting it all while asking rules questions. It made me feel warm inside.

- 2 games of Combat Commander! 1 game of Up Front! 1 game of Blood Bowl!

- Only purchased one game related item all con: the mosquito expansion for Hive! I play it at work all the time and was really, really hoping it would be at Kubla, and it was! All the other games I looked at and salivated over I knew I would never play with myself or anyone else for a good number of years, so why blow good food and diaper money on them? It was quite liberating.

- Coffee in the mornings looking at my Raid on St. Nazaire game while watching the convention slowly wake up.

- Tricking myself into thinking that gaming people are the normal people in the world, and that conventions simply are the standard. Then the 4th wall is shattered when I see stewardesses and business people that have the misfortune of staying at our hotel for a night, surface. I am then reminded of the world outside the bubble that is Kubla and am mildly saddened.

- FYI, when I tried to pay for parking using one of the machines, it said I owed $91.00 to park! Eek! Then I remembered there was a parking validation machine on the convention floor somewhere and saught it out. It said parking would be $6.00 a day, and I thought 'cool'! Then I validated my ticket and went back to the machine to pay and ended up paying $6.00 for the WHOLE CON! Small favors, no?