
Monday, May 25, 2009

Another Year, Another Recap

Kublacon is passed yet again, and overall felt it was a good one. Plagued by the standard analysis paralysis of herding 8+ people in one direction was a pain, when things did move, everyone for the most part seemed happy. I got some WWII action in, some good group games, decent sleep in the van cum-quarantine/sanctuary and ate surprisingly healthy for a con - actually for just being me.

Highlights include:

- Sgt. Brichman of Company 1821, The Second Beards

- Imagining how to best use the claimed artifacts from Incan Gold all at once, without getting into specifics, some terms bandied about were: matterhorning, 5-holing, fleshlight, golded can, 2nd beard, poly-orchard, and *ahem* golden anus.

- Finding the front snap-in curtain for the van and creating a total room of privacy and comfort (in the parking structure) that facilitated actually sleeping without fear of basey, saw-logging as I inevitable fall asleep last. I felt refreshed when I wasn't sleeping off a day of Gin and Tonics.

- Gin and Tonics!

- Finishing my 3 year quest to have cheesebread served with my salad bar at Sizzler. I have asked for the past 2 years for the bread that is advertised, and verified with my server, to be delivered to my table. I never received it until this year, almost as we were finished eating and ready to leave.

- The sketchy knife stabbing old man and grandson behind us at Sizzler. So weird.

- Expereincing the joy of Jon's friend Matt as he purchased a crap-load of BB stuff, watched our game, and then talked about playing and painting it all while asking rules questions. It made me feel warm inside.

- 2 games of Combat Commander! 1 game of Up Front! 1 game of Blood Bowl!

- Only purchased one game related item all con: the mosquito expansion for Hive! I play it at work all the time and was really, really hoping it would be at Kubla, and it was! All the other games I looked at and salivated over I knew I would never play with myself or anyone else for a good number of years, so why blow good food and diaper money on them? It was quite liberating.

- Coffee in the mornings looking at my Raid on St. Nazaire game while watching the convention slowly wake up.

- Tricking myself into thinking that gaming people are the normal people in the world, and that conventions simply are the standard. Then the 4th wall is shattered when I see stewardesses and business people that have the misfortune of staying at our hotel for a night, surface. I am then reminded of the world outside the bubble that is Kubla and am mildly saddened.

- FYI, when I tried to pay for parking using one of the machines, it said I owed $91.00 to park! Eek! Then I remembered there was a parking validation machine on the convention floor somewhere and saught it out. It said parking would be $6.00 a day, and I thought 'cool'! Then I validated my ticket and went back to the machine to pay and ended up paying $6.00 for the WHOLE CON! Small favors, no?