
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Major toothache

Fuck... my first molar tooth is killing me... I thought it was remedied in the philippines, the previous doctor diagnosed it as a hairline crack and drilled it to remove the crack line and then filled it up with paste. It was fine for the last month, only a little sensitive, then it just hit me this morning. Its a constant throbbing and if i bite on my tooth its even worse.

Doctor is not available until tomorrow 3pm..... omfg. so it's advil and ice for another 24 hours

eh..! When ur in that much static pain, my mind just doens't feel like doing ANYTHING... except lay in a fetal position in the corner and cry..

Edit: Just got back from the doctors, had an vacant opening, basically have to get the tooth extracted! Have to take antibiotics for 5 days before.