
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Neeeerrrrrdds Corner

More of that shit.  keep em coming!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Play by Play...

Our rooms are on the third floor on the east side, facing the atrium and separated by one room. While the room is not close to the elevators, it is near the stairs and seems like a good place. Unfortunately, some trees obstruct the view into the atrium and some of the light light in the early part of the day.

The Con has not started yet; however, yesterday afternoon, there was a one day convention for PriceWaterHouseCooper. Or as Rude put it, aren't those the guys that hand out the big checks for some sweepstakes bullshit. Brilliant. Appearently they are giving away $1 million dollars that may only be redeemed at the cafe on the attrium level and only when one uses those huge sized checks as for remmitance.

We managed to pick up a shit load of beer, wine and booze for the event, although, we only have one bottle of tonic, so those wishing for Gin and Tonic may want to pick up some more. We do have Jack and Gin and apparently DaveDefeat has a rather large bottle of Brandy he picked up for $9.99. Yum Yum... Gotta love poor student alcohol.

Our Refrigerator is marginal at best. We have not checked out the other room, but at least for drinking sake, there is an ice machine right down the hall. We managed to make a makeshift drink cooler in the sink and drink quite a bit of beer last night.

On the gaming front, jr0n, Rude and I played a basic level game of Pandemic. We managed to win without too much difficulty. Rude seemed to like the game and expressed interest in playing again. The three of us also played a Rio Grande card game whose name escapes me. The game was fun and jr0n handily lost as he flouted his rules mastery over our heads. As is typically with the group, Rude started with militia offensive and forced the game down the Militia path. Violence wins again. Myke Hunt was not able to participate in our gaming adventures due to an evening graduation honor function.

Food land yes! We hit up In N' Out. Yes! We also made a trip to El Torito. Yeah, it worked out fine. Typical El Torito fare. We had to roll ourselves out the door we were so stuffed. That place is a total glutton's paradise.

We also spend a good deal of time watching, commenting on, reading out loud and even influencing on Myke's grading of his archaeology class final exams. There were some quite atrocious answers that were worth a chortle or two. The best part of course was not the grading so much as Rude, jr0n and me grading, but the renaming of one of Myke's students to Cunt Lips or Georgia O'c-lips. Time's up play last year lives on in memory. We should definately play again this year.

Also, DaveDefeat and Ian arrived at 4:30am but are so fueled up on Caffeine, they have still not slept yet. This sounds like a train wreck of sleeping waiting to happen.

I had to get up at 5:30am this morning to make it back to work today. Boo... I am at work until hopefully about 3pm. Should be back at Boobla Khan around 4-4:30pm is my guess.

D>M>, signing out for now.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

IMHO, best way. Good combination of speed, and a little simplicity, with some nice vistas thrown in. And, when you get to Gilroy off the 152 to 101, you are like 100 yards from my work!


(apparently you need to hit the get directions button)

View Larger Map

Where was your house again?

Eric - What is a good route to take to get to the con? Remembering roads and directions was never my strong point.

For anybody who cares, I still intend to run a D&D game. I'm even sacrificing sleep tonight to have something ready. I hope Peter doesn't mind driving all the way... Bring your dice!

Kublacon: Play by Play

Those jerks that are already at the con, we need a play by play for those of us that aren't!
- What are you playing?
- How are the rooms?
- Hooker status?

Give us your best Howard Cosell (or Bob Miller) about the con!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

sweet bejesus.

Been driving around all day with my work colleague visiting suppliers.  tiring!  But been spending a lot of time in the car with my work colleague.  He's a really cool guy, IRL he's a tank reserve driver and has a whole bunch of cool stories.  He said when they trained him they had to load-and-fire 100 tank rounds in like 2 minutes.  If they couldn't do it, they had to keep doing that till they hit the mark.  By the end of the training, he said they would be soaked in sweat.  

What has that got to do with the upcoming con?  nut n honey.


Hey, a little early gamin' never hurt anyone. Can't wait! Only a week away now!
Oh, I thought you and Peter were flying up too!? Was that originally the plan or nah? Have a safe drive. Why am I going up day before everyone else!?
Peter and I are leaving Friday after work. We shall be driving, so it looks like we'll get there pretty late. Yup, pretty late.

Dead on Arrival

Gosh, I hope not.

I will be getting in mid-day on Friday. I am taking the day off work to spend the morning with Wylie and take him to preschool, then I will hit the road, Jack. I am gonna try and pack the night before so when the time comes, I am outta there.... though now that I think about it, I will need to go back to the house to take out Wylie's car seat before I leave... (mental notes)

If everyone is shopping on Thursday, I should shop before I get there I imagine.

Dude, I am so fired up for Howyougetsomanygames Con!!!

Arrivals and Timing

Rude: I don't think that will be a problem to bring you along for a TJ trip. I think we should be down there late morning. We will go shopping once Myke is down since he will be the one with the wheels.

DaveDefeat and Ian will be coming in around 1-3am Friday morning. I'll leave a key at the desk so they don't wake us all up. Elzar, your coming in Friday eve, correct?

Rudy: Necro-Boggle for life!

Enron: I can never remember the proper spelling of your name, so you'll be forever enron when I need to type it. Hey, since I'm getting there ass-early tomorrow (probably around 10am or so, yikes) can I get in on some Trader Joe's action? Let's stock up on non-spoiling booze (I'm a Jack and Ginger man myself, so that's probably what I will be buying.) And food!

Rudy: Dennis: When do you and Peter get in?

I don't like any sports irl, and I especially ain't into ultimate fighting, but the video game for it is super fun! Just d/l the demo because I rented the full game, and while it's got a pretty robust career mode, it also has a fucking awful UI - SO many fucking menus to do the simplest thing, it's dumb. But the actual fighting game is fun and you can just keep doing 1 fight in the demo non-stop so check it out.

My necronumero encase anyone's changed their numba is: (three dos three) ate for one - six se7en sixty sevon.

<3 D&D

Denis I would LOVE to play basic. DO IT!

Boobla Mania

eLzar: I would be interested in Block Mania. I haven't played that since the early days of the Conflict Simulations group in SD. Space Bulk! and I'd like to give Hannibal a go again. Man-uve-ray was fun too. Bring it.

jr0n: I do not have a cooler... I have enough Gin to kill the Action Team though, so I can bring that. We can make a grocery run Thursday and grab Tonic, beer and other food stuffs.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I have nothing to offer. Maybe I can play this drum for you. Parapapapum.

All the talk of rpg(ing) got me worked up. Maybe I can run a game. No, I will run a game. Basic D&D? I'm hankering for some THAC0 love. If nothing else, I guarantee terrible, terrible disappointment, trash treasured childhood memories and cure you of any lingering nostalgia for old-school RPGs. Anybody? Anybody?

I'm only bringing my BB minis and a large box to carry home the miniatures I will be buying.

Denis - You might be interested in this. Dungeon Twister is coming out with a second ed; with minis! They are also including solo play rules, because I know you don't have any friends except for the elementary school kids you met in Club Penguin. They are also making it into an Xbox game. Too bad you won't be able to play it since you refuse to join the 21st century and upgrade from your Commodore 64.

Oh yeah, Eric, I'll take all your Changeling rpg books.

56k Call to Cthulhu

Aeryk, from your maybe list I vote for Last Night on Earth (you can leave the CD at home though) and Talisman. And of course Tide of Iron since I am buying it.

And I know what you should run for Rudy. A couple of years ago, some random lady at work kicked her husband out of the house, and she gave me some of his stuff: the Call of Cthulhu rulebook (5th ed) and a supplement: "The '90s Handbook." I'm keeping the rulebook, but you are more than welcome to the supplement for your collection if you want it. Be warned, it doesn't seem to be one of the better books for the line. There's one adventure where an investigator is cruising the local BBS and is stunned to find that it is stunningly advanced, capable of displaying both graphics and sound on-line. Clearly only an alien madness could be behind such an innovation....

Games I will bring

I am sort of tired of bringing tons of games and no one playing them, so I am streamlining this session:

- Combat Commander
- C&C:A I would really like to try a two board epic game
- BSG (yes, I have it!)
- BB
- Times Up
- Tichu/Colossal Arena/Modern Art/Hive/Incan Gold/Wizard/etc.
- Cribbage board

Possibly, but probably not, so vote for it if you want it:

- Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage
- ASL anything
- Space Hulk
- Last Night On Earth
- Talisman, the Magical Quest Game
- Dungeonquest
- War of the Ring
- Up Front!
- Manoeuvre
- Cervicus Maximus
- Lock n' Load series
- Chaos Marauders
- Formula De?
- Block Mania, had some fun with Denis playing this, might be convention worthy

I always bring a crapload of games, the same games are never considered for a play, yet I still bring them. So, I am just cutting to the chase and assuming there will be some new game purchases to try out, and then the old standbys will get a play, so why bother with the fringe stuff?

Stuff I want to offload that others might want to pick up off me:

- Tide of Enron, with expansion!
- Agricola, unpunched (surprise, surprise)
- WoW: The Boardgame
- 1960: The Making of the President
- Ticket to Ride: The Card Game
- Battle Cry, in shrink!
- Civilization, Avalon Hill style
- Apples to Apples, big ass crate edition.
- Battlestations, with expansion books!
- Almost any of my RPG stuff you can think of, excluding Cthulhu, Warhammer, and most of my 1rst edition stuff.
Here's what I'm planning on bringing, unless anybody has additional requirements:

- Nexus Ops (I played this again recently with three players, and it got a whole new lease on life in my eyes -- when you play it really fast and casual it's a lot of fun)
- Necro-boggle
- Pandemic
- Starcraft
- Doom
- World of Warcraft Adventure Game
- Whoremachine
- Tannhauser (Tannhauser? You're Tannhauser)
- Battlestar Galactica (or, Eric -- do you have this game yet? -- if so I won't bring mine)
- Couple of random Euro games
- Shocking Roulette

I almost hope Rudy hates BSG, because I would love to play Cthulhu!

Boobla Khan

I'm totally game for:

Kombat Kommander
Gin (uhhh.. "keep the gin from spoiling overnight" Eh?)
Time's Up
Heads-up seven-up
Go fish
Boobla Khan prostitute prowling
Bad food
Gart gas (aka farlics)
I'm sure I missed some...

How come so many of my games end up on your list eLzar... Giganten, Ca$h n' Gun$, 6 Billion, Pasta, Gootmu, Dave's Whack-a Finger. I'm feeling persecuted here.

Rude: I don't think this will be a Whoremachine con. While we will likely play some games, it should be a subdued. Besides there is nine of us this trip, well 9.25 if you count ja -El, and of those, there are several non-WM players. I hate to say it, but RPG GM duties are not going to happen from me. I hung up that hat up long ago, nor do I have the time to cobble together an adventure.

I am eff'in beat. I am going to try my hardest not to be toast this weekend. working down in Baja on a photo shoot this weekend sort of took it out of me and I have a lot of follow up image processing work to perform this week on top of my normal work hours.


BSG and Lonely Rudy Con

At the very least, I think you will really like the BSG game. It actually feels like it was designed with you in mind.

1) it is BSG, and captures very well the feeling of the show
2) there is a very strong diplomacy factor to the game, almost every turn
3) the traitor mechanism that throws the whole fucking game on it's head is the key. It makes every move you make totally uncertain and will allow you to totally fuck with all the other players, every turn of the game.

If I am wrong in my assessment of your enjoyment of this game, I will run a game of Cthulhu just for you!

We got some Time's Up to play, possible Tichu action and other card games, and I am sure we will find some other games that you will like. And rest assured, you and I can team-up and throw shit at all the other AT members if it become WarMachine con again...
It's all good - I'll make the best of it. I was HELLA bummed though when recently you posted all excited about this being games workshop-con or whatever. I just can't seem to get into those types of games at all and have no fun spectating them. BUT, there's a whole con going on around us so I'll find some shit to do. :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sorry Rude, since my post about running an RPG this year met with such a tepid response, I got nothin' planned. So unless Aeryk pulls something out of his butt, or Enron cowboys up and runs his second game ever, or you break out Chill, or Johnny runs D&D and/or his GI Joe homebrew again, we're out of luck. (Note: I would say "fuck yes!" to any of the preceding.) Hopefully, we'll have the momentum to do ManCon II this year and get in a full weekend o' gaming. In fact one of my involuntary vacations is the week of August 17th... maybe we could do something then...?

Aeryk: I'll take Tide of Iron off your hands. Gin and tonics, you say? Sounds classy! I was also thinking about a cold storage solution. Do we normally have mini-fridges available to us? I forget. Or, does anyone have an ice chest or something?

The other night I was going to work with some people from work and we passed an Italian place called "Mangia Mangia." My friend from work initially read this, and continued to refer to it as "Mangina Mangina." For some reason, I think that's utterly hilarious.
 Necro-boggle   hehe... 

 So i'm pretty amped too! cuz i'm on my flight and I'll probably get to catch 1 day of the con.  Going to Singapore tomorrow morning at 4:45 am.  
 See ya all soon hopefully...   

I know you guys are gonna spend 99% of the time playing your horrible miniature war games that leave me out in the cold, but at ONE point can someone run an rpg? I don't care which one, just one night or whatever? Then the rest of the con I can watch you guys play Necro-Boggle or whatever the fuck.

Kubla Awaits!

- I am pretty fired up about this con, pretty effing fired up to be exact!

- I don't know what to do about all my RPG crap. I want to sell it, but I don't want to transport it if I can't sell it. How do you go about getting unwanted RPG books into the hands of those that will put them to good use? I wish there was a RPG game club at a school around here that would take donations.... maybe I should look into that.

- Anyone have any agenda this weekend? Any must plays? Any must buys? My requests are the same pretty much with the addition of Men of Iron: Warfare in the Middle Ages. Simple enough GMT chit game about fighting mans. Looks interesting, and it is 4 years old. Definately want to get in another game of Time's Up, and I imagine the first team to get Georgia O'Keefe will 'snatch' up some quick points!

- Cribbage and Beers, anyone?

- Anyone have a mini-fridge they could bring? Would be cool if we could have some gin and tonics in the room at will. I have no idea where mine went, I think Enron's old roommate in SD still has it. The cooling bin in the Eurovan will probably keep the gin from spoiling overnight, but not enough to keep the tonic nice and frosty.

- What I don't want to play:
Ca$h n' Gun$
Arena Maximus
6 Billion
Dave's Whack-a Finger
STD Randomizer, featuring Mrs. Scabby McLegs
Tide of Iron, maybe I can sell it? I have the expansion (for some reason)