
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

56k Call to Cthulhu

Aeryk, from your maybe list I vote for Last Night on Earth (you can leave the CD at home though) and Talisman. And of course Tide of Iron since I am buying it.

And I know what you should run for Rudy. A couple of years ago, some random lady at work kicked her husband out of the house, and she gave me some of his stuff: the Call of Cthulhu rulebook (5th ed) and a supplement: "The '90s Handbook." I'm keeping the rulebook, but you are more than welcome to the supplement for your collection if you want it. Be warned, it doesn't seem to be one of the better books for the line. There's one adventure where an investigator is cruising the local BBS and is stunned to find that it is stunningly advanced, capable of displaying both graphics and sound on-line. Clearly only an alien madness could be behind such an innovation....