
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Games I will bring

I am sort of tired of bringing tons of games and no one playing them, so I am streamlining this session:

- Combat Commander
- C&C:A I would really like to try a two board epic game
- BSG (yes, I have it!)
- BB
- Times Up
- Tichu/Colossal Arena/Modern Art/Hive/Incan Gold/Wizard/etc.
- Cribbage board

Possibly, but probably not, so vote for it if you want it:

- Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage
- ASL anything
- Space Hulk
- Last Night On Earth
- Talisman, the Magical Quest Game
- Dungeonquest
- War of the Ring
- Up Front!
- Manoeuvre
- Cervicus Maximus
- Lock n' Load series
- Chaos Marauders
- Formula De?
- Block Mania, had some fun with Denis playing this, might be convention worthy

I always bring a crapload of games, the same games are never considered for a play, yet I still bring them. So, I am just cutting to the chase and assuming there will be some new game purchases to try out, and then the old standbys will get a play, so why bother with the fringe stuff?

Stuff I want to offload that others might want to pick up off me:

- Tide of Enron, with expansion!
- Agricola, unpunched (surprise, surprise)
- WoW: The Boardgame
- 1960: The Making of the President
- Ticket to Ride: The Card Game
- Battle Cry, in shrink!
- Civilization, Avalon Hill style
- Apples to Apples, big ass crate edition.
- Battlestations, with expansion books!
- Almost any of my RPG stuff you can think of, excluding Cthulhu, Warhammer, and most of my 1rst edition stuff.