Right now I am being subjected to the morning show of some radio station called "Bone Radio". Between hilarious gaffes and prankcalls about sleeping with various callers wives and the ensuing bleeped censorship fest, the songs have been Metallica: Enter Sandman and Free: Alright Now. They just gave away 2nd row tickets to Lynyrd Skynyrd...
Kill me.
I just heard that you can listen to this garbage on 1077bone.com. I am not going to link to it because I hate it.
Kill me again.
UPDATE: This prank call is part of a 'thing' they do called "Dirty Friday". Golden.
UPDATE: A hilarious joke commercial for Weedies. Get it, not Wheaties. "The breakfast of cannibis." The joke is that Michael Phelps smoked weed and was on a Wheaties box, therefore, Weedies. Double-Golden.