Saturday, October 28, 2006

Funny, the internet terminal here at the hotel won't let me access my Raiders website because someone wrote [edit: LOL.. got banned from viewing this site for use of: "spa_nking" as well, good thing I could come back and edit it at least. Sheesh] in one of their posts, aparently.. but THIS god forsaken wasteland of a website isn't blocked in the slightest. LOL.

Hanging out with Enron, his wife, and Dr. Cockburn was a great time last night, even if Aaron was totally lost for a while there. ;)

Good times.

About ready to get on da train back up north to do some tourista shiz with the Biggidy Enron and Co.




Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Message in a bottle

Power outage in the area where i live... Again. So no power until tomorrow morning. Just my last message for tonight, so i bid you all good morning, good afternoon and good night.

My important message to mykal : web guru : My web powers comes from these two guys in huntington beach CA for around 3000-5000 to create the initial website which wasn't so good. over the course of the business, spent around 5 - 15 thousand more! So there you have it. My brilliant programming skillzorz.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

News and Notes

Mykenloft: I think you need some php or cgi script, of which I have little to no knowledge about how to do. Me thinks a small SQL database, with user (professor) information would be a breeze to throw together, if you know how, and then a site that uses php snippets to update the hours based on the info that is in the database. Then a small form with a username/password field and times fields would be all the profs need to fill out and submit. I know we have the technology, I have no idea how to use it.

Also Mykenloft, and any other people into the greatest computer game ever: Close Combat returns!

Ryan: The Gallagher brother are probably punching each other. Twits. Hilarious! Interesting tune though. Not a fan of any of the songs, except for the Aerosmith one, strangely, but am always interested in some musical mix-mashing.

jr0n: You will never find the D&D mini's because IIRC, you left them with me! I think they are intermingled with my old mini's, but I think I put white dots on mine, until I bought a few more packs with Denis and mixed em all up. And then put them in storage somewhere. I can try to dig them out if you want, but no promises!

Others: Rudy and I have been playing some ASL! Hooray! I think Rudy likes it, and said himself it is not that hard of a game. Sure, we are playing the first scenario in the starter kit, but still, good fundamentals makes the rest a 'breeze' to learn!

- Also, TICHU! Tichu is a rad partnership card game that plays a little like Gang of Four, but then takes a turn into the radicool. Fun! So far, after beating the duo of Leslie and Heather the first game ever, I and my partners of Ryan and Rudy have been trounced the following two games quite soundly. I look forward to playing under the influence at GenCon!

- I am SERIOUSLY thinking about an ASL podcast documenting the journey to becoming a full ASL player. Scenario breakdowns, tactics learned, what rules I had to look up, news, etc. Seriously!

- Oh shit! I have an AMD! And I totally own like 20 copies of 2600, so you KNOW I am teh l33t h4x0rz.

- GenCon cometh!

- ASL!

Monday, October 23, 2006

4 relatively boring songs. However, the guy who put these together did this for all of the songs on the last Green Day record. Clever. I have heard Green Day like it, but the record company does not. The Gallager brothers are probably punching each other. Twits.
Ok web gurus - I've a question for you. ( I used to think *I* was a web guru, but clearly this is not the case.) I am running the website for the department. One of the features of this is that it features faculty Office hours. Now, clearly I don't want to be responsible for updating everyone's office hours for them every term or whenever they change or whatever, but at the moment I'm the only one with access to the site, and probably the only one who even knows was HTML is.

Suggestions on an way to put the thing together so that they can update it easily without a headache for me?


And I say 'YAY' to the idea of D&D again - though I'll admit that I haven't really had enough Warmachine yet.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Dammit Ja-el! We could be rich right now. LOL! I only vaguely remember that -- did I actually write that copy? It seems like so long ago....

After a very brief game of WarMachine in which Enron punched me into the applesauce, we broke out D&D Minis. I picked up a starter and booster of this game recently partly to get a little D&D feel and partly I guess to get rid of all the fiery money burning a hole in my pocket. Anyway I had a good brainless time with it.

The neat thing is that Wizards JUST posted all the stat cards from the first set on their website, and several of the Chainmail minis have equivalences in D&D Minis. (About half of the minis I own have direct equivalences, including my sweet sweet Ogres and Owlbear. No Dire Badger though. Boo.)

Mostly it was weirdly fun to talk about numbers like "armor class" and "hit points" again. I am definitely getting into the mindset to do some role playin'. Myke and Enron, I know that you sometimes say that playing RPGs with only three people is slightly "off" but I say we work with what we got and have a game in a couple weeks. I mean we have Myke's swinging bachelor pad to use.

Oh, and as far as GenCon goes, I will be flying in to John Wayne airport Friday night around 8:30. I expect to be in 3xtr3m3 gaming mode. Role-playing will be served. Enron what are your plans for Sunday? Would you or Dave Defeat be interested in staying at the con a bit later than usual on Sunday, or perhaps throwing down in the M.B.?

Rude... you GOTTA make a "greatest hits" of your TV-show escapades and put that shit up on Youse Tube!
Heh, I'm amazed at myself.

Hey jorn, remember that article I asked you to write for me when I started the Internet company, Apparently now there's 4 or 5 copy-cat sites now offering the same service I do. I'll take it as flattery. do a search on luggage shipping service. heh. funny. I guess I was a Pioneer.

P.S They'll learn.

Johnny Lee