
Saturday, April 26, 2008

I wonder if like a handheld tape/digital recorder would be good enough for a con podcast, haha. That'd be fun, we could do nightly recaps of the day.

I've just casually started listening to some video game podcasts. A good one is the Games for Windows one from the guys at 1up.com (the brodeo... hurr..) Their magazine just got canned (Games for Windows, formally known as Computer Gaming World) so the one I was listening to was just after they found out so they were reminiscing and just talking about the industry. Interesting and funny stuff. I guess overall it's supposed to be a good podcast (I guess they get paid to do it being a part of 1up.com) and they're all writers and pretty well spoken/goofy.

I also listened to a Song of Ice and Fire podcast that just started up with people from the Something Awful thread about the books. It's not that great. They use Skype, so sound levels are rough and it's a little too loose and unformatted. But it's interesting to see what works and what doesn't.

What sparked my interest in podcasts again was, I was eating lunch the other day at some outdoor area and the table next to me was a bunch of old brauds talking about their cell phones. They were pretty much all wrong about the technology and shit that they were telling each other, but one of them brought up how you can download podcasts to your iphone. That led them to explaining what a podcast was to another lady, and that was some awkward shit to listen to. I really wanted to butt-in, but nah. Anyways, interest re-sparked.

GTA4 comes out Tuesday. That shit looks cool. Never owned a GTA before, but I'm seriously considering getting this one, AND getting the xbox live gold subscription. There's gonna be what sounds like fun 16 player multiplayer modes, so if I get the game and it's cool, I might hafta go online.

Holyshit, I been playing a ton of Puzzle Quest. It kinda gets old after awhile, but it's very easy to come back to. They really nailed it with that game.

Rented that show Extras. It's pretty fuckin' hilarious. Sheesh, they really know who to do that uncomfortable stuff so well. The first episode, he's at a catholic prayer meeting even though he's an atheist. Oh my gosh, that scene is incredible.


I actually recorded a podcast prolly like a year ago. It was called "Chapter K" and was all about my learning ASL. Chapter K is the tutorial chapter from the rulebook, btw.

I d/led a bunch of good software, and picked up a mic, stand, and mixing board on the cheap. I think you remember all that gear in the back room, don't you R00d?

Anyway, it was fun, and I am sure I would get more interesting with experience and practice, but it was sort of dry. Duh. Then again, some of the podcasts out there are pretty dry, it's just that they talk about stuff that is interesting to me so I listen anyway. Maybe I would have a million listeners if I released it.

I listen to "Point 2 Point" about Wargaming, the D&D Podcast to pretend that I still roleplay and am interested in it, and I used to (and might start again) listening to an audio replay of Masks of Nyarlathotep RPG sessions by some British folks. TERRIBLE sound quality, but again, it is like playing and RPG without all the effort and fun.

I could bring my shit to the con and we could do our first ever podcast! Dunno how Skypecasting would work, but I am sure it could be done. I have tried to have a 4 person conference call with me, Art in NV, and two guys in North Carolina and it was terrible, so mileage may vary.

Of course, no doubt we would never find a topic we all could agree on so this will never happen. Anyone want to do a podcast about wargames? Anyone?
Hey, where's our podcast!? I started listening to podcasts again and some of them are so fun to listen to. Didn't you guys get to a point where you were testing out Skype 'n shit!? I'm ready to record!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

suicide puzzle game

These two little games are tons of fun:
Karoshi 1
Karoshi 2

(Download link at the end of those initial posts - I don't like messin' with applets or whatever so I played em off my computer.)

Puzzle game - have to kill yourself to clear the puzzles. The first one is a little more straight forward but still cool, but then you get to the sequel and it's just pure awesome (less platform, more puzzle.) You REALLY gotta think out of the box in quite a few of these. Just took a couple of hours to jam through both but there's some cool shit in there.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Just got back from New York. WHEW, I am pooped. Didn't get a chance to catch up on the old posts but I'll read em in a little bit.

Quick observations:
Air-travel is pretty fucking sucky. I guess it beats having to take a steamer around Cape Horn, dredging through the jungles of Panama, or a goddamn covered wagon across the great plains. BUT, fucking air-travel is still shit. I can not imagine flying internationally on those like 15 hour + flights. I would go absolutely bat-shit insane.

The airport book I picked up was "The Ruins" by Scott Smith. It's pretty good! Horror book, just turned into a movie - his other book/movie deal was "A Simple Plan" which I think won awards and nominations. But so far this is straight-ahead horror Stephen King stylee, so it's weird - but good! So far! I'm so tired!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I finally finished Quicksilver today! Definitely not the easiest Neal Stephenson book to get through, as it combines a slow first three hundred pages, with lots of talk about AP European History which, as I am a Gosh Darn American and therefore can't find Canada on a map, made for a tough start. Once it started getting into the exploits of Shaftoe's ancestor Half-Cocked Jack it started getting a lot more engaging, and stayed that way, even if it only got out of second gear towards the end.

But, at this point I might as well stay in it. The second book, The Confusion, is already off to a good start with cannonfire, explosions, etc. And I have heard that the second and third books are far more exciting than the first, and that the third even has a really good ending! (Not always something you can assume with Stephenson.)

Lately my habit is to put whatever book I'm reading at the time into the comment field of my MSN Messenger at work. This is an appropriate time to change that field to "The Confusion" because nobody at that place knows what the fuck they are doing. So we had a ship-or-die date of May 15th for my latest mega-project. Of course various departments have showed surprisingly brazen incompetence about working towards that goal (to the point where the CEO was literally draping Superman capes on the shoulders of the fuckups). When I discussed that with my boss, he said, don't sweat it, there's a backup plan. Turns out the backup plan is to work OT straight through Memorial Day weekend and ship two weeks late, on May 29th. The executive team should have run the backup plan past me first. I'm not skipping Kubla Con for this company; fuck that. I have my priorities.