
Monday, April 21, 2008

Just got back from New York. WHEW, I am pooped. Didn't get a chance to catch up on the old posts but I'll read em in a little bit.

Quick observations:
Air-travel is pretty fucking sucky. I guess it beats having to take a steamer around Cape Horn, dredging through the jungles of Panama, or a goddamn covered wagon across the great plains. BUT, fucking air-travel is still shit. I can not imagine flying internationally on those like 15 hour + flights. I would go absolutely bat-shit insane.

The airport book I picked up was "The Ruins" by Scott Smith. It's pretty good! Horror book, just turned into a movie - his other book/movie deal was "A Simple Plan" which I think won awards and nominations. But so far this is straight-ahead horror Stephen King stylee, so it's weird - but good! So far! I'm so tired!